May 292012

Title: Flying Pirate Weasel
Fandom: N/A
Characters: a flying pirate weasel
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Open-shirted anthro-weasel dude.
Notes: I dunno. I just picked up Weasel M4 (which is free, right now) from The Philosopher's Egg, and I wanted to see what the morphs looked like. The rest of the scene is just sort of garbage framing so I could get a better impression of what that would actually look like, if I used it in something.
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May 152012

Title: Vintage Bike – Part 1
Fandom: N/A
Characters: N/A
Rating: G (L0 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: None
Notes: So, I'm kind of working on as close as I can mangle to a 1918 Henderson. Which, you know, considering no one's been arsed to build a model for it, I've got to make out of spare parts of other bikes. What I've got looks approximately dick like a Henderson, but the shape is roughly consistent with the time period, plus a little steampunk, for good measure.
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Apr 242012

Title: Space Vixen & Bounty-Hunter Tigress
Fandom: N/A
Characters: Test figures
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Bikini top, miniskirt, large gun.
Notes: So, I picked up Furrette and SF Krystal, this past week, and I've been screwing around to see what I can do with them. As far as furry humanoids go, I do prefer them, to some degree to the V4 Creature Creator morphs, if only because they're properly proportioned to themselves and have little pretension toward realism. On the dim side, clothing, even when converted to the figure, is a little iffy. I'm developing a distinct preference toward dynamics, because I can make them fit.
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Aug 112011

Title: On Magic and Magical Effects
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: N/A
Rating: G- (L1 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Poorly written in half an hour.
Notes: So, as some of you know, I've been working on Magelight both as a book and as an RP setting, because there's nothing like other people playing with your toys to let you know where the gaping holes are in the setting. One of those gaping holes that came to my attention was the fact that, for a fantasy setting, magic was pretty poorly defined, in terms of who could do what with what to whom else. This isn't the OMG FINAL ANSWER on the subject, but it starts to address the topic and straighten out some basics. Yes, the document is ugly. It's a gDocs embed. I can't really change the colours.
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Jun 232011

Title: Wergild Notes
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: N/A
Rating: T (L2 N0 S0 V2 D0)
Warnings: Mentions of death, violence, and politics.
Notes: For anyone who's wondered why I've been so quiet lately, there've been developments in the core plot that have required a metric asstonne of research and development, and this is what I get for doing dev for an entire kingdom by myself. *grins* These are the base notes for the wergild table that defines the prices for damaging someone's honour. This version isn't finished, but the dev page is embedded, so it'll update itself as I work on it. While male titles are used exclusively throughout the document, it should be understood that in the context of Magelight's Winter Court, the contents apply equally to women.
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Nov 112010

Title:Frost's Gift Box
Rating: E
Warnings: Linked LOL-smut.
Notes: Happy birthday, Frostburn! Hope this whole getting older thing suits ye. :P Though, I'm thinking we should both turn 23 again, next year… Or, ye know, not, since that year looks to have sucked balls for both of us. *laughs*
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