Sep 212013

Title: Live Like You'll Never Die
Fandom: Star Trek: Reboot
Characters: Kirk , McCoy
Rating: Rating: <span style=T" src="" width="32px" /> (L2 N0 S0 V2 D0)
Warnings: A handful of expletives, a near-death experience.
Notes: So, y!GalleryFritzLindemann asked me for some Reboot Trek fic, in honour of the new film and all. Something with Kirk almost getting killed and Bones shouting about it. I'm… exactly 500 words over what I promised, which is completely unexpected, but I'm content with it, as it is. It's maybe not the best Trek fic, ever, but that's what happens when you don't write in a fandom for three years.
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Jul 102010

Title: Crack-shot
Fandom: ST: Reboot
Characters: Sulu, Chekov
Rating: T
Warnings: Violence
Notes: A crackmeme fill. It was quick and easy, and the commenter who started wank about it pissed me off enough that I couldn't resist. Chekov is not helpless and girly, he is a goddamn space-math artist. Sulu is a giant badass, but a sword vs. more disruptors than you can take in at a glance is never a good plan. Fic may be shorter than prompt…
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May 052010

Title: Runem-tor Ha'kiv
Fandom: ST XI
Characters: Spock, Uhura, Kirk, Spock!Prime
Rating: T
Warnings: Kirk's mouth
Notes: This is part two of Jackie's request (2211 words). Spock!Prime has become his younger self, and he's begun to make the changes he feels are necessary.
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May 012010

Title: Putan-tor Ha'kiv
Fandom: ST  XI
Characters: Spock, Spock!Prime (as Ambassador Selek), McCoy
Rating: M
Warnings: Major character death, weird Vulcan mental kung-fu
Notes: For Jackie, who requested a story in which Spock died and Spock!Prime transferred his katra into the body. This is part one, at 2101 words. As usual, mouse over Vulcan text for float-text translations.
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Feb 052010

Title: Introducing Ralph
Fandom: ST XI
Characters: Kirk, Bones, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu, Chekov
Rating: T
Warnings: Booze and angst. Also, revolting humour.
Notes: So, this is one of those cases of true story, fictional characters. Drunken shenanigans ensue, after the crew's safe return to Earth. Spock wants none of it, Uhura gets offended, Scotty comes to the rescue, and Bones … well, Bones is unintentionally hilarious.
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Feb 012010

Title: Vulcans Don't Meow (in public…)
Fandom: ST XI
Characters: Spock, Kirk, Scotty, Chekov, Uhura, Sulu, Bones
Rating: G-
Warnings: Typical catlike behaviour. Hairballs.
Notes: tehopheliac won this from me in the help_haiti fandom auction, and I have just now finally finished the bloody thing. She requested Spock as a cat. I still suck at crackfic. Apologies.
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