Aug 302022

Title: Goat Party
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V0 D1 ) )
Warnings: Shirtless dude with a bucket of ice and bottles
Notes: In a surprise twist, Navaneh requested Kurt "Morningstar" Dunedin, goat farmer and occasional cannibal. Here's our boy with his goats and his cider, and a chair that's probably going to start peeling after like two weeks.
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Aug 232021

Title: Running Out for Breakfast
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Morningstar
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Shirtless dude
Notes: Morny's not faster than whatever he's chasing. He rarely is, but he doesn't have to be. He just has to be more persistent and aware of his surroundings. Cliffs, pits, and thick brambles give him more than enough time to catch up.
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Jul 052021

Title: Getting Ready to Go Out
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Morningstar
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V2 D0 )
Warnings: There's blood, but nobody bleeding
Notes: For some reason, y'all nutters decided you wanted Aurelio's sibling-cousins as extras, this month, so let me introduce Morny, as his sibling-cousins call him. When he was nameless, he was called one or another local words for a bat with nails through it, culminating in 'Morningstar' (one of the few clerical weapons that'll leave you bloody!) He prefers Kurt, these days.

He's half redcap, soaks his hair in blood, eats raw meat, and has multiple rows of teeth, like a shark (which… does not come through in this image). But, you know, just a dude. Doin' dude things. Like keeping goats and hunting deer barehanded.
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Aug 092012

Title: Cornered
Fandom: Magelight
Characters: Morningstar
Rating: T (L0 N2 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: There's a lot of skin.
Notes: So, I finally got an answer to the problem I was having with this one. Twenty frames of animation is the solution to my dynamic clothing glitch. Who'd have thunk? Anyway, all the scrounging for ship parts for the last vampire image put this one in my head. Something something gamma, this probably looks clearer on an LCD display than it does on my CRT.
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Jun 092012

Title: Flight of the War-sheep
Fandom: Magelight
Characters: Morny, a sheep
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Morny and shirts just don't go in the same sentence.
Notes: Don't ask. Really. I've got a fan who decided to prod me about the lack of sheep in recent images. Thus, I respond with this. I'm seriously considering adding a tag for 'LOLWAT'.
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Jun 032012

Title: Not the Hair…
Fandom: Magelight
Characters: Morny, a sheep
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Morny and shirts just don't go in the same sentence.
Notes: That sheep just has this … look, like it means to try to eat Morny's braids. I've seen that look on my cat. In fact, I think I've seen this scene, but with my cat… *laughs* Now, if only I had the goat morphs, this would be even funnier.
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