Jan 232025

Title: A Reflection of Solitude
Fandom: Viridian Legacy
Characters: Sebastian Lindstrom
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: There's a towel. Barely.
Notes: Yeah, I know, I said I was doing Mayhem by Magelight, this month, but it's also not Monday. *shrugs* Somebody asked me about Sebastian, last OC Monday, and this just kind of fell out.
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May 262014

Title: Glass: Scrap #1
Fandom: Viridian Legacy: Glass
Characters: Sin, Severen, Arkady
Rating: T (L1 N0 S0 V1 D2)
Warnings: suicidal ideation, referenced past self-harm, panicked late-night phone calls (of the sort we've all gotten), strong suggestions of future mind-control, and beer as a first choice for self-medication.
Notes: No title. I don't even know. I don't even think this is done, but I kind of can't sleep, so I rolled over and wrote this. I can barely read the damn screen. Sebastian demands to be boring and have a pleasant upper-middle class existence, when he's Sebastian. Unfortunately, reality occasionally refuses to comply, and Arkady is… well, Arkady.
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Mar 122014

Title: Boots First
Fandom: Viridian Legacy
Characters: Betty , Arkady
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Shirtless dude. Bad lighting.
Notes: Again with the hotels. I'm really just fucking around trying to make something work. There's some shaders I never use that I wanted to get a grip on, also, indoor lighting, which… less bad, but still pretty terrible. Anyway, the conversation going on here is, for some reason, 'Boots first, then corset'. (Which I'm sure we all had, at some point.)
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Mar 102014

Title: Down the Hall
Fandom: Viridian Legacy
Characters: Baron , Lir
Rating: G (L0 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: None
Notes: Every once in a while, I do hotel image. Every time I do one, the hotel sucks less. Here's the latest iteration. Baron looks way too amused. Lir looks like … *shortcuts the description* 'Stick yer neck in here'. Someone here knows what I'm talking about. I'm really happy with the carpet, in this one. I'm not really happy with the lighting, but that's what always gets me on indoor shots.
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Feb 252014

Title: Approximately Mom-thirty
Fandom: Viridian Legacy
Characters: Elena, Rochelle, Miguel
Rating: G (L0 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Small children
Notes: So, not a lot of kids in my work, usually, but Elena has two, so I had to sort of guess what kids around that age look like. Rochelle and Miguel won't appear often, but you know, flavour. Background. Fun fact: when Elena wants both of them, she just shouts 'El', and the two of them come running. I anticipate some hilarious comments from Sebastian, on the subject, at some point. Oh, I think Rochelle is supposed to be seven, here, and Miguel should be five? I don't look at kids. I don't know kids. Somebody tell me if that's anything like right? I think Rochelle might look a little young.
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Feb 232014

Title: Elena – Test
Fandom: Viridian Legacy
Characters: Elena , Lir , Damocles
Rating: M (L0 N3 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Test shot nudity
Notes: So, it's mentioned, in a few places, that Lir has this girl he's really serious about, and she's got two kids and a dog. But, I never made any art with this girl, partly because I'm really bad at skintones that don't approximate 'vampire'. So, here's a few tests of Elena, Lir, and her dog, Damocles. (Why is the dog 'Damocles'? Because she jokes that if he chews up her shoes one more time, she's going to cut off his head.)
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Feb 212014

Title: Stone and Sun
Fandom: Viridian Legacy
Characters: Sebastian , Sin
Rating: M (L0 N3 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Nude dudes
Notes: Kind of a throwaway, really. I just wanted to see if I'd lost my touch, with these two, yet. *laughs* Sebastian and Sin, enjoying some seaside ruins. I have no idea how Sin talked Sebastian into being naked. (Actually, this was one of those things that was supposed to have clothes, but I shot a test and liked it so much I didn't bother.) I think Sin's hair is getting better with time and displacement maps.
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Feb 162014

Title: (Belated) Valentine Cards!
Fandom: Viridian Legacy: Glass
Characters: Arkady , Betty
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Shirtless dude, abuse of sepia tone
Notes: Time and I have just not been on friendly terms, these last few weeks. I got distracted and then I broke my computer. So, use these next year! Also consider this a shout out to all the people who complain I never do any het. The base image is included, in case you have a super awesome background you want to stick it on, but if you do? Let me know, because that would be wicked awesome!
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Feb 042014

Title: Reflection
Fandom: Viridian Legacy: Glass
Characters: Baron , Arkady
Rating: T (L2 N0 S0 V0 D1)
Warnings: Awkward conversation about a trans girl, memories of mind-altering suggestions
Notes: Arkady's got a new girlfriend. (Evan, stoppit. This never ends well.) Baron's just as concerned as anyone who knows him should be, for the same reasons as always, just with a different trigger. Arkady sets him straight.
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Dec 212013

[Master Post – Glass]
Title: One Drop of Wine
Fandom: Viridian Legacy: Glass
Characters: Baron , Arkady , Severen , Betty , Lir
Rating: T (L2 N0 S0 V1 D1)
Warnings: So. Much. Vomit.
Notes:I'm not done writing this, but I needed to sketch it out before I lost it. Baron's not allowed to drink before he gets on a plane. Some of you know where this came from…
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