Feb 132025

Title: A Taste For Elves
Fandom: Forgotten Realms/Dragon Age
Characters: Jarlaxle Baenre , Artemis Hawke
Rating: E ( L0 N4 S4 V0 D0 )
Warnings: It's porn.
Notes: Or maybe a taste of elves? Crossover pr0nz, for Maverik by request of 30Mice, featuring Jarlaxle and the wrong Artemis.
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Mar 142024

Title: The Other Artemis
Fandom: Dragon Age/Forgotten Realms
Characters: Artemis Hawke , Jarlaxle Baenre
Rating: E ( L0 N4 S4 V0 D0 )
Warnings: It's porn, lads! Also, consensual breathplay.
Notes: A certain mysterioubenefactor commissioned a gift for PillowfortOverlordKye, and I was happy to deliver. Part of a half-assed crossover AU we occasionally kick around at the Gazette, Thedosian Jarlaxle may not get the Artemis he wants, but he can definitely have the one that's hot for his elven c…ulture.
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Mar 102023

Title: The Taste of Tomorrow's Regret
Fandom: Autumn Grove/Shadow Unit
Characters: Chaz Villette , Sage Kirklund
Rating: E ( L0 N4 S4 V0 D0 )
Warnings: It's porn, lads!
Notes: Yet more Chaz and Sage. Part 3/3. Chaz is still ignoring the fact that he's going to be kicking himself in the morning. For Pillowfort30Mice.
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Mar 082023

Title: Offered and Met
Fandom: Autumn Grove/Shadow Unit
Characters: Chaz Villette , Sage Kirklund
Rating: E ( L0 N4 S3 V0 D0 )
Warnings: It's porn, lads!
Notes: First of all, happy birbday to Pillowfort30Mice. I know that's sometime this week, but I'm bad at time.

There's a scene that's implied a few fics ago in Vexation of Spirit, and I figured I'd throw down one or more images from it. Chaz and Sage, and a last-minute bad decision.
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Feb 082023

Title: The Best Orlesian is a Quiet Orlesian
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Valery de Serault
Rating: E ( L0 N4 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: nude dude
Notes: Val de Serault, absolute master of pissing people off, will not have anything else to say, this evening.

I'm not thrilled with how this came out, but given the circumstances, it wasn't actually going to get any better if I kept working on it. This started somewhere in the vicinity of 'Val would be cute, if he'd just shut up', and ended up with shibari. I'm so pleased to have created a fictional character people have those sorts of reactions to. *laughs*
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Jan 012021

Title: The Beginning of a Long Night
Fandom: Autumn Grove
Characters: Sage Kirklund , Chaz Villette
Rating: E ( L0 N4 S4 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Teh gay pr0nz, no really
Notes: Certain birbs of my acquaintance decided they wanted 'Chaz porn with hair pulling'. So, as my first art done after the whole-ass world is in 2021, take ye this blowjob. I did this in like three hours so if there's anything wrong with it, I don't actually care.
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May 152018

Title: Well Worth Stealing
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Daylen Amell , Isabela
Rating: E ( L0 N4 S3 V0 D0 )
Warnings: 100% smut, unusually het.
Notes: Isabela has no regrets about her choice of prize, after the victory at Dairsmuid. Daylen doesn't have enough brain cells to consider regrets at this time, but it's unlikely he'll have any later. So, you know how I don't do het? Yeah. Assume I still don't do het. Any attempt to use this as leverage will get you blocked.
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