Sep 162024

Title: How Many Nightmares Does It Take to Get to The Bottom of an Expansion Card
Fandom: Vexation of Spirit
Characters: Kim of Bedlam
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: No clothes, all pose
Notes: Kimi's lucky that he lives across the hall from his office, so when he gets wild hardware ideas in the middle of the night, he doesn't have to waste time getting dressed or getting there, so there's less chance to forget the revelation that woke him up.
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Sep 092024

Title: Big Gay Cheeseburger
Fandom: Shadow Unit
Characters: Dan Brady
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: I swear to god he's wearing something, but you really have to be looking for it
Notes: The challenge for this one was 'do cheesecake of Brady, but make it not ridiculous'. I think I succeeded. Maybe. But, I was so tired when I started working on it, that I ended up naming the file 'cheeseburger', because it was the best combo of 'beef' and 'cheesecake' my brain would provide under the circumstances. So, now we're all stuck with that. And yes, everything in the background is there for a reason, and I leave that open to speculation.
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Sep 022024

Title: He Wouldn't Have Chosen Red
Fandom: The Lone Gunmen
Characters: John Byers
Rating: G ( L0 N0 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Byers in an evening gown
Notes: This month's poll came up Vex, so please enjoy the mix of LGM, SU, and one OC with way too many fans. *laughs* First up, Byers, because someone proposed Byers in an evening gown, when I complained my brain was in the off position. Hope this was what they had in mind…
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