Jul 012024

Title: The Lords of Chaos
Fandom: Ostian Adventures
Characters: Mihr , Dahak
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: A very short skirt, a scantily-clad barbarian
Notes: Somehow, 3/3 people who voted in the last poll all picked Golgothan Gods, again. So, here's more of these guys.

You met Mihr, the Lady of Love, last month. Her arrows fly true, and few struck with them needed this complication in their lives.

Carrying her off is Dahak, the Lord of Frenzy, god of barbarians, rage, and mass destruction. Once he was a hunter, then a warlord, leading the armies of the plain. Then he went on vacation and got stuck in this shithole plane, and after a good thousand-year sulk, took up convincing the locals to wreak havoc as a form of entertainment.
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Jul 222014

Title: Fury and Retribution – Test
Fandom: Ostian Adventures
Characters: Dahak , Iblis
Rating: T" width="32px" /> (L0 N1 S0 V2 D0)
Warnings: A half-naked barbarian demigod, covered in blood, swinging an axe.
Notes: My first OA post in like a billion years. I was considering having a nap and posting when I woke up, but then the sky cracked open like it was struck by the hammer of an angry god, so I got the fuck out of bed and finished what I was doing. The Lord of Frenzy and the Father of Retribution. Neither of whom I was ever arsed to depict, before this. I'm not real thrilled with how light Dahak's skin came out. He's supposed to be a non-metallic gold, and he just looks like a white dude with a tan. Might be the blood throwing off my perception of colour. No post, because I'm a lazy sod, and I don't do post on test shots. If you're only seeing one of them, it's Iblis. Click through for Dahak.
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