Dec 252024

Title: A New Fascination
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Anders
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: One mage in a modest swimsuit and a pair of platypus
Notes: They're like cats! You know, if cats were beaked, egg-laying mammals… Anders and Pounce have discovered platypus. Some background birds have discovered shiny ribbons.
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Dec 202024

Title: An Appreciative Audience [20/25]
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Anders
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: One mage in a fluffy crop-top
Notes: Anders has decided this party needs a snow nug, and thankfully, Divine Victoria's favourites are there to help him out. (The hand-feet are the hard part.)
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Dec 152024

Title: Trashy Winterwear of the Fifth Blight
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Anders
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Technically, that is a fully-clothed mage, aside from like two inches of thigh at the top of the boots. On the other hand, Anders.
Notes: If there were a trashy sweater contest, you know the participants would likely be Anders, Oghren, Sigrun, and the Architect. And Anders would win every time.
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Dec 102024

Title: An Angel and a Devil
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Anders
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Bare chest and thigh
Notes: No, but really, they're both demons. They're cats. One of them is just being cute and distracting so the other one can bring down the mayhem. We all thought you knew better, Anders!
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