[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Room Between Me and the Ground
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Severen, Arkady, Betty, Lir, Baron
Rating: T
Warnings: Drinking, legal drugs, expletives, mild violence
Notes: I mentioned something about Arkady getting wasted and groping Severen, and then I decided that it would be even funnier if it involved ephedrine and happened in public. This one's the first of a likely few to feature the unnamed Irish pub, in Boston, with the bartender who writes Russian poetry. The pub and the bartender may both get names, if the actual bartender's brother ever gets back to me… So, yeah. This is partly a gift, to a dear old friend.
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[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Begins At the Earth
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Arkady, Betty
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives, violence
Notes: Twenty years later, Arkady said something about their first kiss. He also said something about being the damsel in distress. It's not a pretty picture.
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[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: A Song of Bells
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Sin, Sebastian, Betty
Rating: T
Warnings: Implications, expletives
Notes: This isn't the fic that was supposed to get posted, today, but I need to wind back into that one, since I managed to LOSE ALL OF IT, like a dumbass. Instead, you get some nice, quiet, domestic fic, with Sin and Sebastian. The History Department's Christmas party is sneaking up, and Sin doesn't want to go alone. Of course, Sebastian doesn't want to get him fired, so…
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[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Her Wildest Dreams
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Betty, Sin, Arkady
Rating: M
Warnings: Wang
Notes: I got pissed off after I crashed the damn machine, working on the last image of the band, so here's some frivolous not-quite-smut. If the images go missing from the post, let me know, and I'll find another host for them.
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[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Viridian Doll Image Dump
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Severen, Lir, Betty
Rating: G-
Warnings: None
Notes: So, after proving that Severen shouldn't smile, I went about trying to find the angles that made him look good. And then I decided to see how much of the band I could get into one image, before I crashed something. Assuming I can actually open the save file, I'll have a final version of the band (sans Baron), tomorrow, but right now, I have to go dress up like Arkady and go to my class reunion.
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[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: The Most Sparkling Star
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Betty, Arkady
Rating: G-
Warnings: Slightly sappy? No post-work?
Notes: I just offered up a render of a Sky character of choice to whoever could answer a silly question on LJ, so I figured I should get off my ass and make sure I had finished models for at least most of them. Here's Betty and Arkady in what appears to be a wicked romance. They're supposed to look like they might be related — they get mistaken for brother and sister quite a bit — so tell me if I'm anywhere near that.
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[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Just Before the Dawn
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Arkady, Severen, Betty
Rating: M
Warnings: Vomit and totally inappropriate commentary
Notes: So, this was supposed to have been funny. Yeah, so much for that. It takes place about three days after "We Live…", and it's fairly Arkady-centric. Lots of talk about relationships and people. And no, I still haven't managed to hook up Betty and Arkady.
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Title: Sky
Fandom: Sky
Characters: All of them. Duh.
Rating: G- – NC-17
Warnings: It's a master post. See individual fics for warnings.
Notes: Timeline sez "WAT? NO." So, I finally went through everything to straighten it out, and I realised I'd totally screwed up a bunch of dates, so I'll be editing a lot of the earlier stuff to make it consistent. Keep in mind that when I was writing the early stuff I had no idea what year it was, just how old they were.
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[ Master Posts: Sky | Corybantic Dance Redux | Mitarashi Games ]
Title: Fifteen Words Meme
Fandom: Sky/MG/CD Redux
Characters: Severen, Sin, Viridian Doll, Mike, Quentin, Spark, Meeps
Rating: T
Warnings: Crackfic, expletives, and bizarre implications.
Notes: Nicked this abject foolishness from oceansex's post on
1. Write down the names of 10 characters.
2. Write a fic of fifteen words or less for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.
Because I'm a giant nerd, I used all OCs from three different 'verses: Sky, Corybantic Dance Redux, and Mitarashi Games. Damnfool shenanigans are below the cut.
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[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Blue
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Sin, Severen, Betty, Arkady
Rating: T
Warnings: Heavy social dynamics, questionable speculation on sexuality, Severen's mouth.
Notes: Thanks go to tehopheliac for setting me off on the gay rant, this afternoon. It turned into this fic. Also, yes, I'm a day behind. I got ridiculously ill, yesterday.
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