Aug 112010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Fanservice for Your Morning Coffee
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Arkady
Rating: M
Warnings: Non-sexual nudity.
Notes: After that last scene, I just really needed some naked Arkady, to kick my brain out of angsty. So, since I'm a nice guy, I'm posting it in the middle of the night, so you folks can have it with breakfast. Four frames, no pants. And yes, he does shave everything below his eyebrows.
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Aug 102010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Is Falling – Plates
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Arkady, Severen
Rating: T
Warnings: Blood. Lots of blood.
Notes: This one was supposed to be a pretty easy one to shoot. It's another hotel room. … … That's before I remembered I had to put the blood in, by hand. There are like five layers in the final image, and I haven't quite got the edges entirely clean, but they're clean enough that it shouldn't show in greyscale. Also, first shot is some Arkady fanservice, because I can, and you love it.
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Aug 032010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Off With Her Head!
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Betty, Arkady
Rating: G-
Warnings: Shitty lights, undetailed sky.
Notes: I got the Queen of Hearts outfit, and I just had to do a couple of Queen and Hatter shots. NEEDED DOING, I tell you. I think Arkady looks kinda like Marilyn Manson, here, which is totally unintentional, and may be a function of the hat.
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Aug 012010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Daily Bread – Plates I
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Arkady, some fangirl
Rating: G-
Warnings: Sucky lighting sucks.
Notes: I started working on this almost two weeks ago, but then Real Life happened. I'm also trying to light this damn scene by hand — no presets at all. Fuck lighting. Have I said that before? I'm sure I have. I'm saying it again. Anyway, Arkady and some fries and some girl.
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Jul 202010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Pale – Plates I
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Severen, Arkady
Rating: G-
Warnings: Extreme smugness?
Notes: This one's from 'Pale', which takes place entirely in a hotel room, in a grand total of about ten minutes. No lights, yet, because I'm still working on clothes and framing. I can't seem to get an angle in which they're both in frame, and I'm not lens-deep in a wall that's ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE SHOT. Whatever. I'll figure it out, eventually.
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Jul 182010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Blue – Plates II
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Arkady, Severen, Betty
Rating: M
Warnings: Naked people are still naked
Notes: I lost half the damn scene, mid-save, last night, and I wasn't completely happy with the last shot, so I wanted to do a few more. I don't know. I think I might just use the last shot from last night… And I can't decide if I like Arkady better with or without nailpolish…
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Jul 182010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Blue – Plates
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Severen, Arkady, Betty
Rating: M
Warnings: Naked people
Notes: So, Blue talks about some pictures taken specifically to upset some people, who were offended by Severen's public displays of monogamous homosexuality. I figured the plate for this one should be one of those photos, and I think I finally managed one that's more or less usable. Default lighting, no BG. I may decide to do something about that later, or I may decide it just doesn't need to be done. I don't know; I've been up for more hours than are strictly necessary.
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Jul 142010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Portfolio: 'Gender (identity, construction, deconstruction and transgression)' – Harwood Art Centre
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Arkady, Sin, Sebastian
Rating: M
Warnings:  Wang, drag
Notes: This is the submissions portfolio I'm sending in for the exhibit I've been shouting obscenities about, since the beginning of the month. I included the letter of introduction, because you guys deserve a laugh. Y'all will be the first to hear it, if any of this crap gets selected for the show. Note, please, that I did not make the selections, I just made the art.
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