Jul 272013

Title: Reading to the Cat
Fandom: WoW
Characters: Some random Night Elf , a large black cat
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Shirtless dude? Insufficiently large ears?
Notes: I haven't played World of Warcraft in like six years, but I just got a bug to see if I could mangle together a Night Elf, for kicks. Clearly, I require more ear morphs, because just… no. No postwork, because I can't be arsed.
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Jul 162013

Title: The Angel El-Adrel
Fandom: Judeo-Christian mysticism?
Characters: El-Adrel
Rating: T (L0 N2 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: A lady's bottom.
Notes: So, Israfel is the angel of music. But, no. For this thing I'm about to stick in another post, I needed something more. El-Adrel is the angel of music you want to hear. Like, specifically, what you want to hear, when you summon the angel. I could not think of a better angel to put to this use. No postwork, because I'm a lazy sod. Also, that last ruffle of lace at the bottom? An hour to render. Just that. Not joking.
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Jul 022013

*coughs* So, a bit of an update. You'll notice that this archive isn't where it used to be, as of today. That's because I've spent pretty much every waking moment since Friday (aside from some fantastical good times with DK and, later that day, with my mum) getting the hell off Blogger.

I know, I know… "But, Ywain, why would you want to leave an awesome site that has done you nothing but good, all these years?" Well, funny thing. I produce a lot of adult content. Sometimes, people pay me for it. Google just changed the terms of service for Blogger to prevent 'monetization' of 'adult content'. Since nobody has any idea exactly what they mean, it seemed like a good idea to cut and run, before they decided I was breaking the new rules.

Almost everything I've moved has made the transition, gracefully. Almost. There's probably a few links I haven't fixed yet, and some of the redirects may be screwed up. If you find anything spectacularly broken, leave a comment on this post, and I'll try to fix it.

Also, the sidebar may be loading at the bottom of the page, in anything other than Firefox, and I can't figure out why. If you develop a clue, please share.

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Jun 232013

Title: Sinister But She Was Happy
Characters: Salmacis
Rating: M (L0 N3 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Test-pose nudity in the video. Images are clothed.
Notes: … like a chandelier festooned with leeches. Seriously, though, I read Salmacis, and I have to go put that on. I completely screwed up her face. Like, horrendously. Like, I'm going to zero out her head and try again, and go for a little less of the huge-eyed anime girl look.Yes, I want her to look subtly wrong, but this isn't even subtle, it's just blatantly horrifying. Two images and a 'making of' video, below the cut.
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Jun 052013

Title: Test: City Street with 1950s Limo
Fandom:  Yu-Gi-Oh, Lost Souls
Characters: Amelda, Bakura, Molochai, Twig
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Anime boys in skimpy clothes, kneeling in the road
Notes: I've been working on the set for 3 & 4 in Series B. I think I'll be doing this set in reverse order, just to keep things interesting. y!GallerySargantas wanted a limousine in these shots, but the only limo I could lay hands to was this 1936 model, which is pretty posh, if a little anachronistic. (I have been corrected. It is a 1959 model, and there is some debate about whether it is a limo, since the model maker identifies it as one. It's definitely not stretch.) Retextured most of it with some awesome car paint shaders I had laying around. I probably need to re-do the interior, as well, before I do #3. I'm debating whether the scene is too light, but I've recently got some crit that I shoot too dark for print, so I might just keep these light, for now. It looks like I can shoot two figures at a time, on this set, before things start exploding, which is good to know before I start building a scene. *laughs* Also, Cilea for V4 converts really well to M4/H4 as demonstrated by the kneeling pair. I probably want to re-texture the metal parts, so they don't glow in the dark, but it looks pretty good, aside from that.
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Jun 022013

Title: Sibling Rivalry
Fandom: Winter
Characters: Murphy, Maitiu
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: A dude in a greatkilt.
Notes: Actually, I'm lying through my teeth. That's not a greatkilt, it's a dirty hackjob. Doesn't look too horrible, even if it is the wrong cloth weight and it doesn't drape quite right… Also, her teeth are too bright and his hair is a little plasticky. Murphy and Maitiu are a pair of Sidhe warriors, sister and brother. She likes night raids, and he loves setting towns on fire. Recently, she's gotten much more practical and solution-oriented, and he's gotten a whole lot whinier.
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May 212013

Title: Test: Sullivan
Fandom: Winter
Characters: Sullivan O'Ruadhain
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: A dude in a loincloth with a pike.
Notes: So, I just spent thirteen hours working on Sullivan. He's supposed to have some really gorgeous scarring on his chest, but the damned displacement maps won't play nice, so I'm probably just going to leave that be, for now. I managed to get the ones on his face working, at least. Depending on what angle I render him from, he looks like about five people I know, and none of that was intentional.
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May 212013

Title: Test: Finnegan
Fandom: Winter
Characters: Finnegan O'Ruadhain
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: A dude in a loincloth with a pike.
Notes: So, like… months ago, I said I was going to add a couple of Redcaps to my repertoire. Finnegan and Sullivan were the obvious choices, since they've already appeared in a few scenes. You'll notice this character and the next one I'm about to do will look a whole lot alike, but it's because they're brothers. Finnegan's actually the tall and skinny one, for certain values of 'tall' and 'skinny', which really only make sense after you see Sullivan. Notice the iron boots and iron pike. Finnegan breaks with tradition, a bit, in that he doesn't wear a hat, but the rag tied around his forehead is soaked in blood, although I need to tweak the colour a little more so it's dried blood colour, instead of mud colour. These are going to be labelled 'Winter', instead of 'Potterverse', despite having only appeared in Death Eater-related scenes, until this point, because they're not really mythos-specific, and will fit pretty much anywhere you've got room to stick Redcaps.
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May 142013

Title: Round About the Cauldron Go
Fandom: N/A
Characters: Nara
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Half-naked Asian-looking dude with tattoos and antlers
Notes: Some more of that fantasy book covers thing… Testing some stuff that's not obvious at all, in the image. Mostly checking a base figure that lets me blend morphs intended for M4 with morphs intended for V4. It… mostly works. M4 with a bunch of Aiko and V4 Elite thrown in.
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May 082013

Title: Test: Catgirl Mocker (Jaguar flavour)
Fandom: Magelight
Characters: Mocker
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: There's a lot of skin, but nothing indecent. Also, semi-anthro.
Notes: Another test for something that'll show up in a later commissioned work. Mocker changing from a big cat, to a pretty girl, and then into a handsome dude. It's Mocker. He's like that. This test shows the jaguar and jaguar-skinned Mocker.
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