Sep 222010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: The White Crest – Plates I
Fandom: Sky
Characters:  Sin, Lyman
Rating: G-
Warnings: Busted lights are busted.
Notes: It's the hotel bar — or a very small corner of it, anyway, and I had to retexture the bastard thing and light it all by hand. And yes, I figured out that I'm missing the floor lights. I got the ambients, I got the lights on the bar, but I need at least one spot from the foreground, or this shit is going to continue to look flat. No further comments, just images.
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Sep 172010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Sometimes Capricious – Plate
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Sin, Sebastian
Rating: G-
Warnings: None.
Notes: "THIS IS MY DISMAYED FACE. DO YOU SEE IT? I AM DISMAYED." *coughs* Uh, I got nothing. I'm too tired to really comment on this, except to say it's the doorframe scene.
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Sep 152010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Sky – Front Cover [Part II]
Fandom: Sky
Characters:Lir, Baron, Severen, Betty, Arkady
Rating: T
Warnings: There's an awful lot of leg.
Notes: I have done the thoroughly implausible. This is finally at the correct resolution, if slightly lower quality than intended — not that you can probably tell… I'm gonna warn you: if you click for full size, that image is 1837×2775 and it's about 4.5MB.
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Sep 132010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Front Cover [Part I]
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Lir, Baron, Severen, Arkady, Betty
Rating: T
Warnings: I think you can see Betty's underwear.
Notes: This goddamn render… I'm going to run a defrag, clear out all my temp files, and reboot the machine, tomorrow, and then try again to get this closer to the 300ppi I'm expected to deliver for the damn covers. Highest resolution I've been expected to produce, to this point, was 100ppi, and I can barely get it to render that large, without crashing. (And that's a small image, for the record — 613×925, which is what you see here.) Anyway, you guys have been watching me fight with this base image for months. The argument persists.
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Sep 092010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Taste Like Sky
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Sin, Sebastian, some girl
Rating: T
Warnings: Implications of het, implications of faggotry, expletives, angst
Notes: I needed to fix this. It was the first part written, and it's the last part revised. It was … almost right, but there were a few things that just didn't fit. This should be right. Shout if anything looks like it's still busted.
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Sep 082010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: This Winged Hour
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Sin, Sebastian
Rating: G-
Warnings: Fluff
Notes: I realised that there was one more transition point missing — the house. This is 1991. The band's gotten popular overseas, and Sebastian's starting to see where 'famous' becomes 'rich'.
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Sep 022010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: The Top of the Well
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Sin, Sebastian
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives, bizarre relationship dynamics
Notes: The last of the flashbacks from Taste Like Sky. This started at like … two or three hundred words. Now, it can stand fairly well, by itself. Sin's married, but he was drunk at the time. Sebastian can't figure out why he's so upset by this revelation.
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Aug 312010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Reach the Ceiling
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Severen, Sin, Baron, Lir, Arkady, Betty
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives
Notes: This is the re-fit of flashback 2 from Taste Like Sky. I'm slowly working my way through it, trying to fit it in with the rest of the chronology. Gaping timeline perforations should have been fixed. Let me know if you spot one. As far as punk covers of 'You Are My Sunshine' go, yeah, it's possible. Yeah, I was involved in one. No, there's not a recording.
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