Sep 122010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Back Cover
Fandom: Sky
Characters:  Sin
Rating: G-
Warnings: None
Notes: I'm trying to finish the damn covers for the book, so here's the no-text version of the back cover, and the 'making of'.

This is the base pose. Also, I am kind of loving that hair. It's awesome, but it doesn't have fit options for M4, so I have to shoot from the front, because I can't find a damn slider to stretch the back to cover his head.

Fixed the pants glitches, turned the hand… Face comes next.

This isn't quite right, but neither is the next one. Screw it. I used this one for the final image.

Potentially worse than the one before.

Aw, shit. This flattened like crap as a JPG. Going to have to re-save the PSD as a PNG. The barcode goes on the bottom right, and the blurb goes in the box.

[=EDIT=] Finally got irritated enough to change the facial expression, since I had to re-shoot at 300ppi. This cover also contains the blurb, which I may change, later, but I'm lazy. I'm taking text suggestions, if you've got 'em.

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