Jun 182010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: In the Palm of My Hand
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Baron, Severen, Arkady, Sin
Rating: M
Warnings: Implications, expletives, and the power of suggestion
Notes: Baron wanted to challenge Sin, to prove that he could score girls who weren't just desperate fans… Instead, he proved that he's not entirely straight and Sin's a lot more dangerous than he looks.
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Jun 162010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: In the Garden
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Baron, Betty, Arkady, Lir
Rating: G-
Warnings: None
Notes: So, I still can't do a scene with props and more than three figures. Crashed in the middle of a render, right after I added Lir. Faked my way through a few partial shots… Tomorrow I'll try to finish this set.
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Jun 152010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Baron – Test Renders
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Baron, Lir, some fangirl
Rating: G-
Warnings: Bad lighting
Notes: I still can't light a scene worth a fuck. This is not news. Baron von Nocturne wears suits, when he's not on stage. This is news. I didn't realise quite how 80s that little git was, until now.
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Jun 142010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Room Between Me and the Ground
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Severen, Arkady, Betty, Lir, Baron
Rating: T
Warnings: Drinking, legal drugs, expletives, mild violence
Notes: I mentioned something about Arkady getting wasted and groping Severen, and then I decided that it would be even funnier if it involved ephedrine and happened in public. This one's the first of a likely few to feature the unnamed Irish pub, in Boston, with the bartender who writes Russian poetry. The pub and the bartender may both get names, if the actual bartender's brother ever gets back to me… So, yeah. This is partly a gift, to a dear old friend.
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Jun 112010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Daily Bread
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Arkady, Baron, fangirls
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives, mild violence, attempted molestation
Notes: Arkady vs. fangirls. So, after talking to y!GalleryFritzLindemann about crazy drunk girls, last night, I realised that there was a story that needed telling… Arkady really just wanted a plate of fries.
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Jun 112010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Flash Photography in Hotel Hallways…
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Severen, Lir, Arkady
Rating: G-
Warnings: Arkady and shirts just don't get along.
Notes: So, after spending some time failing to get Sin and Sebastian to look good together, I decided to go back to the band. I'd been having better luck, there. So, here's some hallway shots with too much flash, squealing fangirl style.
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Jun 112010

[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: You Can Call Us 'Trouble'…
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Sin, Severen
Rating: T
Warnings: Sin refused to get dressed until shot three…
Notes: I hate lighting, today. Everything just looks like ass. All of these, therefore, are shot with default lights. Fuck this, I need better presets. Also, in that third one, the ground is grass. It just looks like a tar roof, so I'm sticking with that story. Minimal post work. I'm lazy.
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