[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Whisper Your Name
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Sin, Sebastian
Rating: M
Warnings: Expletives, Sebastian's neuroses
Notes: I'm actually working on something COMPLETELY ELSE, but I had to get this out of my system. (Yes, Jackie, I'm working on chapter three.) This is another look at Sebastian on a bad day. He has a lot of those, even after he's successful and famous. They really don't ever go away.
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[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Sinfully Delicious
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Sin
Rating: M
Warnings: Clothes? What clothes?
Notes: I dunno. Needed to happen. That goddamn hair will be the death of me.
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[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: Darkly, Deeply, Beautifully
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Sin, Sebastian
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions of past nudity, potentially offensive mentions of witchcraft
Notes: Just a short look at how, exactly, Sin managed to have blue hair, in college.
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[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title:Â Blow It All Sky High
Fandom:Â Sky
Characters:Â Sin & Sebastian
Rating: T
Warnings:Â Kissing and cursing
Notes:Â This one's some more of 1980. Sebastian's adapting pretty well to living with Sin, but he hasn't asked for another kiss. Yes, I got lazy with the naming.
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[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title:Â Falls Down on Me
Fandom:Â Sky
Characters:Â bb!Sin, Bentley, extras
Rating: T
Warnings:Â Death, teenagers
Notes:Â Everything that comes out of Sin's mouth isn't a good idea, all the time. In fact, he reads a little like the Gospel of Thomas, except that he can't raise the dead.
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[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title:Â Outtakes, Volume I
Fandom:Â Sky
Characters:Â Sin, Severen, Sydney
Rating: M
Warnings:Â Expletives, implications, direct statements, pure crack
Notes:Â I decided to turn off the filter between Severen's brain and his mouth, in one scene in Taste Like Sky. I might do this more often.
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[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: 'Scuse Me While I…
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Singularity, Sebastian
Rating: T
Warnings: Kissing, expletives.
Notes: So, I realised there's like this fifteen year gap in which we have NO IDEA how Sin and Sebastian got from sleeping in the same bed to … not-sleeping in the same bed. This is some part of that. IT'S NOT ABOUT FAGGOTRY, IT'S ABOUT LITERATURE. … Sebastian said so. :P
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[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: The Way is in the Heart
Fandom: Sky
Characters: Sebastian, Singularity
Rating: G-
Warnings: Writer is not an artist. Ass post-work. Default lighting.
Notes: This may be post one of three. There are two other poses in the sequence, but my fingers have swelled up way too much to do them tonight.
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Title: Sky
Fandom: Sky
Characters: All of them. Duh.
Rating: G- – NC-17
Warnings: It's a master post. See individual fics for warnings.
Notes: Timeline sez "WAT? NO." So, I finally went through everything to straighten it out, and I realised I'd totally screwed up a bunch of dates, so I'll be editing a lot of the earlier stuff to make it consistent. Keep in mind that when I was writing the early stuff I had no idea what year it was, just how old they were.
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[ Master Posts: Sky | Corybantic Dance Redux | Mitarashi Games ]
Title: Fifteen Words Meme
Fandom: Sky/MG/CD Redux
Characters: Severen, Sin, Viridian Doll, Mike, Quentin, Spark, Meeps
Rating: T
Warnings: Crackfic, expletives, and bizarre implications.
Notes: Nicked this abject foolishness from oceansex's post on
1. Write down the names of 10 characters.
2. Write a fic of fifteen words or less for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.
Because I'm a giant nerd, I used all OCs from three different 'verses: Sky, Corybantic Dance Redux, and Mitarashi Games. Damnfool shenanigans are below the cut.
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