Title: Apocalypse Bunnies
Fandom: Vortex
Characters: Rabbit Red ♂, Lepus Lazuli ♀
Rating: G (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Bunny kemonomimi
Notes: So, it's someone's birthday… In an effort to avoid getting my ass beat, I'm not saying whose. *grins* But, it's someone I expect will both appreciate this and then kick my ass for it. ♥
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Title: In the Ear
Fandom: RAPTURE (ish. If you squint)
Characters: Jordan, El-Adrel
Rating: E (L0 N4 S4 V0 D0)
Warnings: PHYSICS! AUUUUGH! *coughs* Also, blasphemous strap-on buttsex.
Notes: So, I … threatened? offered? to make something of this brilliantly ridiculous line in Rapture. DJay requested a female angel with a strap-on, rather than my original choice of a hermaphroditic angel. Also, perhaps not so much in the ear as out the ear. I just… physics. And the other option, here, was substantially less appealing to find an angle for.
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Title: Welcome Home!
Fandom: Viridian Legacy
Characters: Sebastian, Sin
Rating: M (L0 N3S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Naked guys hugging.
Notes: Some celebratory artwork, because OMG NEW SERVER! (This is the end of a long and treacherous road for a site I spend a lot of time on, and I've been making celebratory art at every step.) Love you guys. Really.
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Title: Heaven and Nowhere #2/2
Fandom: RAPTURE/Viridian Legacy
Characters: Jordan, Betty, Arkady
Rating:G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)Â
Warnings: Some skin. Not a whole lot. Experimental haberdashery.
Notes: So, this hat came into my possession. It's… better. It's at least a little less bad. Keep throwing hats, and I'll keep rendering the middle of this scene, until we hit a hat DJay's happy with. *laughs* Anyway, it's close enough for me to fill in the blanks in the back. Yeah, there's some weird shit going on with one particular shadow that's the same colour as a shard of background. I could have fixed it in post, but I like the illusion of Jordan with a fistful of broken sky. …broken Sky, maybe, with those two… (For those of you who don't spend much time in my archive, click on the image to make it bigger.)
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Title: The Wizard's Owl
Fandom: N/A
Characters: Feath
Rating: T" height="16px" src="https://penbrydd.groundline.net/wp-content/luxintenebris/rating/PG13.jpg" width="32px" height="16px" /> (L0 N2 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Anthro owl, bright pink, very little clothing. Thar be boobs in this here image.
Notes: A gift for Feath, who I've been seeing a lot of, lately. So, I think this one establishes that I am very bad at owls, even when they are bright pink. It is to my lasting misfortune that the bird morphs I have (which aren't intended to be owls, anyway) do wicked-bad things to the eyes and chin. I've done some corrections, but I'm pretty sure the eyes still aren't big enough, and that's going to take a lot of screwing around to correct. Also, beaks do not work like lips. Apparently no amount of tweaking will make any of the smile sliders work properly, even just to get the corners of the mouth into a position that doesn't look like a displeased grimace. *sighs* I am very bad at owls.
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Title: A Giantess and Her Meow
Fandom: N/A
Characters: Aniko and Viona
Rating: M (L0 N3 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Naked anime girls.
Notes: For Aniko, with a whole lot of encouragement from Viona. So, I was going to pull together something Egyptian or Greek goddess themed, clothing-wise, for this one, but Viona was sure it should be naked. So, naked it is! Expect a goddess-themed less naked version, some time later in the week. Now with goddess-themed, less naked version, as well! And, yes, that is a kitty in a cobra crown. You can just tell a certain kitty has some ideas about what comes next, here. "We have sapphires the size of cabbages… You want to go bowling and use the Spartan army for pins?" "That's a great idea!" (Click it for full size, or her face will be way too tiny to see properly.)
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Title: A Giggle in the Garden
Fandom: N/A
Characters: Viona
Rating: T" height="16px" src="https://penbrydd.groundline.net/wp-content/luxintenebris/rating/PG13.jpg" width="32px" height="16px" /> (L0 N2 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Nekomimi. Bare boob.
Notes: This is really just a character test shot, because I realised I hadn't done anything awesome for Viona, lately, and she's working on a fantastic secret project that I'm really looking forward to seeing on main, instead of just on dev. *grins* Appreciate your codekitties, people! They do awesome work and are paid only in love and cookies!
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Title: More Like Him Every Day
Fandom: Potterverse
Characters: Lucius Malfoy, Orion Lestrange (OC), Finnegan O'Ruadhain (OC)
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D1)
Warnings: Finney's not wearing a shirt, there's some drinking of beer.
Notes: A birthday present for ospreybagman, over on LJ. Orion Lestrange (OC son of Rodolphus and Bellatrix) hanging out in a bar with his … sort of uncles, Lucius Malfoy and Finnegan O'Ruadhain (OC cousin of Rodolphus). I suspect you might have to be familiar with the AU we played in, for any of this to make sense.
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Title: Guarding the Gate
Fandom: N/A
Characters: Veran
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Anthro panther wearing a loincloth.
Notes: So, I swear to god, I'm working on the next Transitions image, but it's kicking my ass. I took some time out to do something… else, and what leapt to mind was a quick throwaway for F-List's Veran.
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Title: Test: Pinhead 01
Fandom: Hellraiser
Characters: Pinhead
Rating:G- (L0 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: I'm going for PG instead of G, because it's Pinhead. I don't really have a tag for 'dude's got pins sticking in his face'.
Notes: So, I feel like I should explain myself… *coughs* Point the first, I've been unable to find an actual Pinhead outfit for M4 or any other male figure. So, he's dressed funny. Outfit is Mourning Sun. Point the second, those are the pins and skin from V4 Quilty, because sometimes I do have the kung fu skills to make things like that work, but this time, the pins don't quite line up with the intersections, in a few places. Point the third, this is totally my mothers' day gift for my mum, who is a big fan, and got me hooked on Hellraiser (and the rest of Clive Barker's work) in the 80s. Hopefully, by next year, I'll be able to mangle together something that looks a little more accurate…
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