Nov 302010

Title: Proserpina – Test I
Fandom: Winter
Characters: Proserpina
Rating: M
Warnings: Naked female base-figure.
Notes: So, I've gotten a request for Frostburn and Proserpina, and much to my lasting dismay (!!!) I had no Proserpina figure! So, this is the first batch of test frames. Not a one looks like her. *laughs* More will come, and as they do, they'll get more accurate.
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Nov 172010

Title: A Good Spanking I
Fandom: Winter
Characters: Frostburn, Darkling
Rating: M
Warnings: Spanking, naked gents
Notes: This is the first round of work on a trade piece for y!GalleryPrism0467 on y!Gal. It's supposed to end much like this, but with the miniskirt from Red Velvet Suicide. And that mini was such a bitch, I decided to do the rest of the scene first, so I could devote an entire day to cursing at it, tomorrow.
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Nov 152010

Title: Ekat's Gift Box
Fandom: YNM/Winter
Characters: Watari, Darkling
Rating: T
Warnings: Romance, bad lighting
Notes: Sorry, dearie. I chickened out on the smut, because I couldn't manage a matching skintone, where it counted… However, you get double the win, all the same, because Dark's got a thing for Watari, so you get some shiny-cute with your adorkable scientist.
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Nov 112010

Title:Frost's Gift Box
Rating: E
Warnings: Linked LOL-smut.
Notes: Happy birthday, Frostburn! Hope this whole getting older thing suits ye. :P Though, I'm thinking we should both turn 23 again, next year… Or, ye know, not, since that year looks to have sucked balls for both of us. *laughs*
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