Jun 032014

Title: (Re)Making an Angel: Naming a New Scribe (4/?)
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester ♂, Castiel ♂, Kafziel (OC) ♂
Rating: Rating: R (L1  N1 S3 V0 D1)
Warnings: Blasphemy, dysfunctional family dynamics, angels snogging, voyeurism for SCIENCE!
Notes: Not. Quite. Porn. I know I said 'slow burn', but I swear I didn't think it would be this slow. Holy shit. On the other hand, half-naked angels snogging. Can't go wrong with that!
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Jun 032014

Title: (Re)Making an Angel: Things Better Left Unsaid
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester ♂, Dean Winchester ♂, Castiel ♂, Kafziel (OC) ♂
Rating: Rating: R (L3 N0 S3 V0 D1)
Warnings: Blasphemy, dysfunctional family dynamics, suggestions of future angel smut, discussion of sex, mentions of fisting, the jawbone of an ass Dean's mouth
Notes: Cas finally makes an appearance! Dean gets some screen time, and promptly regrets it! Sam may never be able to look his brother or Cas in the eye again! And Cas demands that Kafziel respect his sexual prowess! DEMAAAAAANDS. Still no porn. That's the next chapter.
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Jun 022014

Title: (Re)Making an Angel: Strange and Terrible Tales (2/?)
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester , Dean Winchester , Castiel , Kafziel (OC)
Rating: T" width="32px" /> (L2 N0 S1 V1 D1)
Warnings: Blasphemy, brotherly face-punching, dysfunctional family dynamics, suggestions of future angel smut, non-explicit discussion of sex
Notes: Kafziel explains, and Sam wishes he hadn't asked. More beer. More coffee. More bizarre stories. Still no Cas. Definitely Cas in the next chapter.
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Jun 022014

Title: (Re)Making an Angel: The Angel at the Door (1/?)
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester , Dean Winchester , Castiel , Crowley , Kafziel (OC)
Rating: T" width="32px" /> (L2 N0 S0 V1 D1)
Warnings: Blasphemy, brotherly face-punching, dysfunctional family dynamics, suggestions of future angel smut
Notes: Castiel's grace was stolen, so he tried stealing some more for himself, but that didn't work as intended. But, there is a way for him to regain it, even if it's terribly inadvisable. Another angel, long out of Heaven's reach, remembers the means, and shows up at the bunker, looking for Cas. Sam is paranoid, Dean's a dick, and Crowley wants photos.
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May 302014

Title: You're Lucky I'm Your Brother
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean Winchester , Sam Winchester
Rating: Rating: G (L0 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: None, yet, but I think Sam's seriously considering stabbing his brother.
Notes: Oh, look. I added a fandom to my list. :| Dean's a little off. Sam's face is maybe a little too much cheekbone. I've been fucking with this for like fifty hours, now, and I'm just gonna call it close enough. Next time I can be arsed, I'll get it more right.
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