Apr 222007

Title: *cough*cough*hack*
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Gekkou Hayate
Rating: G-
Warnings: Character death
Notes: Well, I've been writing an asston of angsty GenHaya fics, so I figured I should get off my ass and make some Hayate icons. There are only five, this time, because I'm really friggin' lazy. Well, that and there's only so much angst one man can take in a day…
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Apr 222007

Title: Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
Characters: Shiranui Genma
Rating: M
Warnings: Expletives, a corpse, and a great deal of angst
Notes: The song is "Prelude 12/21" by AFI, and is actually the entire reason behind this fic. I heard it for the first time, Friday night, and it pretty much declared that I would be writing a songfic with it.
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Apr 212007

Title: Denial: Not just a river of meatballs
Characters: Shiranui Genma, Namiashi Raidou, Yamashiro Aoba
Rating: G-
Warnings: None
Notes: Bio-fic. This story is a little more than ten years old, now, and it's still funny — at least to me and "Rai".
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