Title: Her What?
Characters: Shiranui Genma, Mitarashi Anko
Rating: G-
Notes: BFV. This *just* happened.
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Co-authors: Haya
Characters: Gekkou Hayate, Shiranui Genma, Namiashi Raidou, Hagane Kotetsu, Kamizuki Izumo, Mitarashi Anko, Yamashiro Aoba
Rating: This chapter? R.
Warnings: Expletives, groping.
Notes: One of these days, Raidou's going to realise just how lucky he really is to have a friend like Genma, even if he would never in a million years, under any circumstances, sleep with his best friend. As opposed to Kotetsu, who is also very lucky, and would do absolutely anything to get Izumo naked. Or Hayate, who opposes nakedness entirely, and no matter how lucky he gets, will still be looking for the catch.
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Authors: Ywain
Characters: Shiranui Genma, Shiranui Riza
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives.
Notes: I promised that I'd get off my ass and work out Genma's mom. Here's my first attempt.
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Title: —
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Namiashi Raidou, Hagane Kotetsu, Kamizuki Izumo, Gekkou Hayate, Yamashiro Aoba, Shiranui Genma
Rating: M
Warnings: Sex and violence
Notes: Just a few random quotes from one night's brain-dump.
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Title: Cut-Glass Heart
Co-author: Haya
Characters: Gekkou Hayate, Shiranui Genma, Namiashi Raidou, Yamashiro Aoba, Gekkou Shizuka
Rating: T (this chapter)
Warnings: Expletives, flashbacks, hacking up a lung.
Notes: Hayate would like very much to just be left in peace. Genma refuses to comply.
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Title: Symbiotic Lust
Co-author: Supermadichan
Characters: Gekkou Hayate, Shiranui Genma
Rating:Â E
Warnings: Yaoi, expletives.
Notes: Yes, this is all physically possible. I promise. It is, however, somewhat painful if you're not used to doing it.
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Title: Four Days of Fangirls: Day One
Characters: Shiranui Genma, Gekkou Hayate, Uzuki Yuugao, Deidara
Rating:Â E
Warnings: Expletives, fangirls, gratuitous Genma abuse.
Notes: Commissioned by Haya. Yeah, yeah. I'm working.
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Co-author: Haya
Characters: Gekkou Hayate, Shiranui Genma, Namiashi Raidou, Hagane Kotetsu, Kamizuki Izumo, Mitarashi Anko, Yamashiro Aoba
Rating: T
Warnings: Pure crack, implications of violence, expletives
Notes: We saw many High School Alternate Universes. They were all poorly written. We decided to change that. Eventual GenHaya and KoIzu. Ywain would like to apologise for the bathroom scene.
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Captain spastic would like to take this moment to apologise for not submitting this as soon as it was posted. He would like to blame Real Life for intruding into both authors' brainspaces.
Title: Corybantic Dance (Chapter 1)
Co-author Supermadichan
Characters: Gekkou Hayate, Shiranui Genma, Namiashi Raidou, Hagane Kotetsu, Kamizuki Izumo, Mitarashi Anko, Yamashiro Aoba
Rating: T
Warnings: Pure crack, implications of violence, expletives
Notes: We saw many High School Alternate Universes. They were all poorly written. We decided to change that. Eventual GenHaya and KoIzu. OMG I'M TIRED. MADI, SAY SOMETHING SENSIBLE HERE.
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Title: A Test of Conviction
Characters: Shiranui Genma
Rating: T
Warnings: None.
Notes: Shitty ten minute drabble about Genma's pain tolerance.
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