Nov 132011

Title: There's No Place to Fly To
Fandom: Potterverse
Characters: Severus Snape (mentioned: Lucius Malfoy, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy)
Rating: T (L2 N0 S0 V0 D1)
Warnings: Snape talking to himself is a lot less tasteful than his comments to other people.
Notes: I have no idea. I was going to make breakfast and watch an episode of NCIS, before I got back to work on the stack of renders I'm supposed to be working on, but then this happened. Snape, probably about book 2 or 3, considering his life to that point and his responsibility for the two boys who have come to be part of it.
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Mar 112011

Title: Starts With 'Eff' and Ends With 'No'
Fandom: Potterverse
Characters: Rodolphus Lestrange
Rating: G-
Warnings: None
Notes: "I'm not sure I've fully expressed the depth of my opinion on the matter, Lucky, but let me tell ye it starts with 'eff' and ends with 'no', an' there's an awful lot of commentary on yer sense an' sanity in between…" (Also, some throwaway frames at the top, from before I figured out what the hell I was doing…)
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Feb 102011

Title: Stop Talking!
Fandom: Potterverse
Characters: Orion Lestrange, Mehetabel Prince
Rating: G-
Warnings: None
Notes: Blackmail in action. Mr. Prince would strongly prefer not to know what his adoptive father was doing with Mr. Bagman's dad, this past weekend. Commission for LiveJournalosprey_bagman.
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Feb 092011

Title: Stop Talking!
Fandom: Potterverse
Characters: Mehetabel Prince, Orion Lestrange
Rating: G-
Warnings: Crap lights, unfinished work…
Notes: These are the first figure test shots for the commission I'm working on for LiveJournalosprey_bagman. After the next render, I think I'm done for a few hours… At least until I get some words back on whether I've got Orion right at -all-.
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Feb 062011

Title: The Last Fucking Time
Fandom: Potterverse
Characters: Snape
Rating: G-
Warnings: Suggestions of future violence
Notes: Poor dear Snape looks older than death, even as a schoolboy… Probably comes from that dreadful habit of not eating, sleeping, or washing. I'm told that takes a bit of a toll. *coughs* *grins* He's had about a-fuck enough out of Potter and Black, and this is the last warning, before he actually gets unpleasant.
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Apr 062010

Title: Troublemakers
Fandom: Potterverse
Characters: Ceallach, Ciaran, Severus Snape
Rating: T
Warnings: Implications
Notes: So, no shit, there I was, when I realised I had a copy of Comic Life laying around from the last time I got past the 'thinking about it' stage of doing a comic. And I realised I had some art and some text that went with it, and I could probably do bad things with that. So, I did. Panel order is left, right, centre, because it looked better like that. Shut up, I haven't framed a page in at least a year.
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Apr 052010

Title: The Rumpled Wench Tavern
Characters: Lucius Malfoy, Rodolphus Lestrange, Severus Snape
Rating: G-
Warnings:Writer is not an artist
Notes: I've been working on this since 0400, yesterday. It's nothing like done, but here's a few progress shots.
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Mar 312010

Title: Pointy-eared, but not hobgoblins…
Fandom: Potterverse
Characters: Ciaran, Ceallach, Snape
Rating: T
Warnings: Snape objects to being snuck up on and manhandled
Notes: I finally figured out the sliders for pointy ears. Now, I can do Roddy's cousins, and this opens up all kinds of shenaniganery. Ciaran and Ceallach are almost identical, at this time, because I can't really tell the difference between them in fic, either. Most of the eight cousins are a little ill-defined… but Ciaran's totally shorter.
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Mar 072010

Title: The Danger of Being Too Shiny
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Rodolphus Lestrange, most of the Lestrange cousins, the sons of Coyote, the daughters of Raven
Rating: T
Warnings: Eyeball-stealing, irreverent humour
Notes: I have no idea. Seriously. I was listening to this mix I'm working on, and suddenly, Roddy wanted to play. With all his cousins. In Vortex. So, it's cousins' night out at the Belfry, and the natives want to play.
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