May 112020

Title: Sirens of the Stone
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Malika Cadash , Natia Brosca , Gytha
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Bikini-clad mermaids, one of them holding a dildo
Notes: So, anyone who knows me knows I never do MerMay, not because I don't like the idea, but because what the hell month am I in? What day is this? But, this year, I've had PillowfortMeyari's watercolour merman adventures on in my feed as a constant reminder that I meant to do something this year (and last year, and the year before that…). So, with the thanks that are due in that direction, I offer you dwarven mermaids.
From the left, lyrium smuggler Malika, sapper Natia, and Master Dicksmith stonecarver Gytha.

[IMG] malika-natia-gytha-stonesirens-01-fix.jpg

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