Nov 032013

Title: A Step in the Right Direction
Fandom: N/A
Characters: Frego , Mocker
Rating: M (L0 N3 S0 V1 D0)
Warnings: Naked jaguar girl, scantily clad hunter, dicks
Notes: For y!GallerySargantas. I feel like something's missing between three and this one. (I also need to produce a bottle from… somewhere, next scene… But, Mocker's a shapeshifter, so fleshpockets. That's my answer; I'm sticking with it.) But this is where the porn starts, in this series.

  One Response to “Series S: A Step in the Right Direction (5/22)”

  1. Ah, mocker has changed again! He (or she) has now a more human body and has a very nice smile on her face. Frego looks now very cute, I like that!
    Iam curious now how you manage the next scene. Oh, and of course: fleshpocket! LOL

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