Jul 082013

Title: Pricks & Thumbs-06
Fandom: Fear Mythos
Characters: Rich Providence
Rating: G- (L0 N0 S0 V0 D1)
Warnings: Drinking and mentions of completely offscreen fighting. Non-explicit mention of a razorhound eating somebody's livestock.
Notes: Cheesehouse. Drinking. Music that makes conversation difficult. Gangstee-style bar fight. It's just like the Old World! Except not. At all.
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Jul 072013

Title: Pricks & Thumbs-05
Fandom: Fear Mythos
Characters: Rich Providence
Rating: T (L0 N0 S0 V2 D1)
Warnings: Disturbing, but non-explicit discussion of hunting razorhounds. Talk about going to the cheesehouse to drink kumis.
Notes: Fish has … FRIENDS? And they aren't all LIBRARIANS? *gasp!* Yes, he made it to the library. No, this isn't going up officially until Monday.
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Jul 062013

Title: Museum 2A: Across the Floor
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh, Lost Souls
Characters: Amelda, Molochai, Zillah
Rating: E (L0 N3 S4 V0 D0)
Warnings: Machine for automated buggery in use.
Notes: Our protagonists have engaged the machine's more obvious function, and are making their way to the panel on the other side of the dome, trailing clothing, as they pass.
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Jul 062013

Title: Pricks & Thumbs-04
Fandom: Fear Mythos
Characters: Rich Providence
Rating: G (L0 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Creepy dream. A mention of dangerous wild creatures.
Notes: Fish dreams weird stuff. He's not sure he's got anything to offer the Librarians that will get him what he wants, but he's going to ride out, anyway. I suspect he'll be surprised, when he gets there, next time.
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Jul 052013

Title: Pricks & Thumbs-03
Fandom: Fear Mythos
Characters: Rich Providence, Miss Nancy
Rating: G- (L1 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Nearly opaque reference to fetish porn that doesn't make sense unless you've read part 1.
Notes: Our protagonist investigates the records in the town hall, and discovers some journals, from the early days of the town.
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Jul 042013

Title: Museum 2A: A Brief Pause
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh, Lost Souls
Characters: Amelda, Molochai, Zillah
Rating: E (L0 N4 S4 V0 D0)
Warnings: Machine for automated buggery in use.
Notes: Yes, we're back to the museum. There's going to be six or eight, total, split between series 2A and 2B. These may be a little slow because OH MY GOD, GLAAAAAASS.
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Jul 042013

Title: Pricks & Thumbs-02
Fandom: Fear Mythos
Characters: Rich Providence
Rating: G- (L1 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: References to slavery in America. Strange perspectives on religion.
Notes: Still building a world from the perspective of someone who's never seen the one we live in. It's … a little weird, trying to stay away from the kind of exposition that only makes sense if this world still exists.
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Jul 032013

Title: Pricks & Thumbs-01
Fandom: Fear Mythos
Characters: Richard Providence
Rating: T (L1 N0 S2 V0 D0)
Warnings: Non-explicit references to porn being made.
Notes: I got this weird-shit idea, and it wouldn't leave me alone. I don't know if this is a story I'll actually ever finish. I'm not sure I know where it's going. But, it's a great set up, and I'd be a fool not to at least start it, while I have it.
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Jul 022013

*coughs* So, a bit of an update. You'll notice that this archive isn't where it used to be, as of today. That's because I've spent pretty much every waking moment since Friday (aside from some fantastical good times with DK and, later that day, with my mum) getting the hell off Blogger.

I know, I know… "But, Ywain, why would you want to leave an awesome site that has done you nothing but good, all these years?" Well, funny thing. I produce a lot of adult content. Sometimes, people pay me for it. Google just changed the terms of service for Blogger to prevent 'monetization' of 'adult content'. Since nobody has any idea exactly what they mean, it seemed like a good idea to cut and run, before they decided I was breaking the new rules.

Almost everything I've moved has made the transition, gracefully. Almost. There's probably a few links I haven't fixed yet, and some of the redirects may be screwed up. If you find anything spectacularly broken, leave a comment on this post, and I'll try to fix it.

Also, the sidebar may be loading at the bottom of the page, in anything other than Firefox, and I can't figure out why. If you develop a clue, please share.

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