Title: Stolen
Fandom: (That picturebook I'm working on that hasn't got a title, yet)
Characters:Â Malachai Schade
Rating: M (L0 N3 S0 V2 D0)
Warnings: Rope bondage, evidence of violence, nudity.
Notes: So, there's this part where our protagonist gets kidnapped by Viking raiders. I dunno. I'm tired of looking at it. Two-hour test render time that makes my computer unusable while it's rendering. I know I should fix the rope that's part of the ship, and the birds should likely be gulls or albatrosses, but the mapping on the ropes is weird and I don't have any bloody seabirds.
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Title: Not While I'm Working
Fandom: Magelight
Characters: Nox
Rating: G (L0 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: None
Notes: If I shoot this for wall-hanging size, I think I'll do it in 4×5 instead of square. The really ugly parts are toward the outer edges, in the back, but so's some of the really nice stuff, so… I can rearrange things. This is an example of what you're supposed to do with raytracing. Yes, that puff of smoke is actually reflected in three of the cans on the shelf. I've never gotten anything I didn't mean to be a mirror to do that, before, and it's awesome.
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Title: He Remembered His Sword
Fandom: (That picturebook I'm working on that hasn't got a title, yet)
Characters: Malachai Schade
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Shirtless dude swinging a sword at a hay bale.
Notes: I said I was doing this… It's not the first page, it'll be the second or third. I've just spent most of a week trying to wrap my head around British fashion from about 2000 years ago, and yes, I will be doing some half-assed pop-culture interpretation of that, because holy crap, do you have any idea how hard it is to find decent 3D representations of actual historical clothing from an unpopular time and place? Also, woad. Because I like the way it looks. No postwork. There's a couple places where I'm a little unsure about angles and textures, but I think the lighting's pretty good. The whole first part of the book is pretty much going to be overcast or moderately cloudy, because time and place. First person who tells me his name is inappropriate to the time and place is getting told to shut up and buy the fucking book, because seriously, it's ALL EXPLAINED IN THE TEXT. Also, book has no name yet, which will lead to tag headaches, later, and a crippling lack of a master post, for a while.
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