Title: Dessert Is Served [part I]
Fandom: Winter
Characters: Icefeather, Frostburn
Rating:Â E
Warnings: Buggery, bad lighting, things that make you go 'WAT?'
Notes: So, this is the first part of something Darkling asked for. Yeah, Ice's nose is weird. Yeah, there are shadows in screwy places in the final image. Yeah, there's some unspeakably freaky shit going on with the edges on Frost v2… *shrugs* Very little I can't fix in post.
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Title: The Nature of the Complaint
Fandom: Winter
Characters: Darkling, Icefeather, Frostburn
Rating:Â E
Warnings: The internet is for…?
Notes: I didn't think I was done with this, but Frost insists it's perfect as it is, and I should post it. The Winterborn have a little bit of fun, while their dear Darkling watches.
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Title: Swallow
Fandom: Winter
Characters: Darkling, Icefeather
Rating:Â E
Warnings: Faggotry. Smut.
Notes: Well, you know, I don't give Dark nearly enough attention… Figured I should make up for that. The final image is actually made of parts from three versions of the scene, because I couldn't get it to frickin' light properly. Also, raytracing is SLOW. SLOOOOOOW! *looks exhausted* The speckled one may honestly be my favourite, though. I don't know why…
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Title: Revelry in Shadow
Fandom: Winter
Characters:Darkling, Frostburn, Icefeather
Rating: M
Warnings: Frost and clothes don't always belong in the same sentence.
Notes: I totally forgot to post these, the other night, possibly because I got so irate with the lighting that I just gave up. I fixed Dark's face and a few other bothersome things…
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Title: Violet Vapours
Fandom: Winter
Characters: Icefeather, Frostburn
Rating:Â E
Warnings: Smut. Smutty smut, even. And faggotry.
Notes: I was bored, and I couldn't seem to write anything worthwhile. Frost said something amusingly pornographic (and then a few more things along similar lines). I decided it was time to get off my arse and cut a few frames.
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Title: Crackle
Fandom: Winter
Characters: Icefeather
Rating: G-
Warnings: Shitty contrast
Notes: So, I got off my ass and did this one, too. Icefeather is by no means perfect, but should be recognisable, much like the rest of Winter, if you know the source. Vanity, vanity, et al. I'm on a wizard kick, if you couldn't tell… Figure I'll knock these off while the force is with me, because I'm not gonna be good for much, once it passes.
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