Title: Don't Mind Him. He's… Antivan. (Chapter 1: Nate didn't sign up for this shit…)
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Anders ♂, Nathaniel ♂, Zevran ♂, M!Surana (Lucien) ♂
Rating: T (L2 N0 S1 V1 D0)
Warnings: Smooching, innuendo, and junk-punching
Notes: Mid-Awakening. Zevran drops by, between murderous escapades, to visit his favourite Warden, now Warden-Commander. The Warden-Commander will do anything to keep his charming assassin the hell out of Amaranthine politics, and foists him off on a certain delightfully knavish mage. (Who is really doing his best to keep his ass both out of the fire and firmly attached to himself.)
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Title: How Far Can Too Far Go? (Chapter 5)
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Fenris ♂, Anders ♂
Rating: E (L4 N4 S4 V1 D1)
Warnings: Heart-fondling, erotic asphyxiation, Justice not getting it, smutty smuttings of the non-vanilla variety, unlickable floors
Notes: Erotic asphyxiation, legendary warden stamina, and Anders mouthing off at the best worst times. Done. DONE! Do you see me being done with this fic?
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Title: How Far Can Too Far Go? (Chapter 4)
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Fenris ♂, Anders ♂
Rating: M (L3 N2Â S2 V1 D1)
Warnings: Flashbacks, Anders being revoltingly blunt, control issues, past violence
Notes: Fenris is talking himself around an idea. Anders knows exactly what's going on, and is willing to let it happen. A lot of this chapter is happening on more than one level. There are some jumps that may not quite make sense, if you're not reading between the lines, but I wrote it like that for a reason.
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Title: How Far Can Too Far Go? (Chapter 3)
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Fenris ♂, Anders ♂
Rating: M (L3 N2 S3 V1 D1)
Warnings: Heart-fondling, knob jokes, inadvertent smuttery, Justice has a lyrium fetish, Anders has a death wish, legendary Warden stamina
Notes: Anders. Death wish. Seriously. This man has no damned sense. See also 'fisting, Fenris-style', no pre-existing orifice involved. No mages were harmed in the making of this chapter, but Fenris and I may need to go re-compose our senses of reality, a bit.
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Title: How Far Can Too Far Go? (Chapter 2)
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Fenris ♂, Anders ♂
Rating: T (L2 N1 S1 V1 D1)
Warnings: Knob jokes, past traumatic events, scars, drama, bad ideas
Notes: An unspeakable quantity of knob jokes and Anders pretending he's fine. Fenris asks stupid questions, and Anders hands him a little too much of the answers. Bitter mage is bitter, but also funny as hell.
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Title: How Far Can Too Far Go? (Chapter 1)
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Fenris ♂, Anders ♂, Hawke ♂, Varric ♂, Isabela ♀
Rating:Â G- (L1Â N0 S0 V1 D1)
Warnings: Knob jokes, drinking, and throttling
Notes: So, technical difficulties sorted, I'll now be posting the last two weeks of crap. Kind of all at once. Something something fandom happened. I made a joke about Fenris/Justice and effingshamwow totally egged me on. This is probably the only relatively tame chapter, and I'd still suggest putting down your drink. It arcs up pretty fast. (You can blame Fallen London for the mushroom wine. It just seemed like a very Darktown thing to do, and you can't convince me the Hanged Man doesn't serve some sincerely questionable things.)
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