Title: Power and Control
Fandom: Vexation of Spirit
Characters: Alcea Fitzgerald ♀, Kim of Bedlam ♂
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: A lot of leg and a low v-neck
Notes: So, at the end of Blood & Water, I left Allie walking into Kim's lair with a fake ID and a job to do. This is one interpretation of how that may turn out, in the future. They might work uncannily well together, in a world in which he figures out the benefits to teaching her how to expand her talents from terror to more general suggestion. After all, his skills in that department don't work on the telephone, without long-term in-person contact, but hers would.
Perhaps the most disturbing thing about this image, for me, is that Kim came out looking almost exactly like some photos of a friend of mine, from twenty years ago…