Title: Fish Food for Your Thoughts?
Fandom: Shadow Unit
Characters: Sol Todd ♂
Rating: G- ( L0 N0 S0 V0 D1 )
Warnings: One hand with a cigar and the other missing two fingers
Notes: … Y'all didn't think I was actually going to stop after Hafs and Chaz, right? *laughs*
Shadow Unit's Sol Todd, a little older and a little more retired, complete with fish and the correct number of fingers.
And don't fucking talk to me about the fish. Or the aquarium. I'm sick to death and it's all the effort I'm willing to put in. And I couldn't find a god damn catfish. All attempts to engage me on the subject of that fucking aquarium will be met with shitty renditions of Lorrie Morgan's 'What Part of No'.