Title: Splashing in the Spring
Fandom: Magelight
Characters: Mocker, Noctis
Rating: M (L0 N3 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Two naked guys, crappy shaders
Notes: I hate the way this came out, but I've been staring at it for a week, and it declines to suck less, so I'm just going to post as far as it's gotten.
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Title: Bathing Beauty
Fandom: Magelight
Characters: Noctis
Rating: M (L0 N2 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Nox in the bath.
Notes: So, I find myself playing with water an awful lot, of late… Possibly because I'm finding a bunch of water-related crap I forgot I had. This was mostly so I could test out the wet skin shader and the spilling water props.
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Title: Kickboxing the Dragon
Fandom: Magelight
Characters: Frost, a dragon
Rating: G- (L0 N0 S0 V1 D0)
Warnings: Fighting, giant codpiece
Notes: Still sorting through crap. There are things in here I remember getting years ago, that I then managed to lose because I couldn't figure out how to use the content database in a practical fashion for the first couple years. Anyway, the armour is Frost Whisper for V4, and I am once again thrilled to have a copy of CrossDresser.
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Title: Flying Pirate Weasel
Fandom: N/A
Characters: a flying pirate weasel
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Open-shirted anthro-weasel dude.
Notes: I dunno. I just picked up Weasel M4 (which is free, right now) from The Philosopher's Egg, and I wanted to see what the morphs looked like. The rest of the scene is just sort of garbage framing so I could get a better impression of what that would actually look like, if I used it in something.
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Title: Wistful (with water)
Fandom: Magelight
Characters: Frost
Rating: M (L0 N2 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: I'm starting to think Frost just has an aversion to being dressed.
Notes: I dunno, this one just kind of happened. I was putting things away, when I found this set and I just went, 'Oh, I know what to do with that…'
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Title: Only in Her Mind
Fandom: Viridian Legacy
Characters: Betty, Sin
Rating:Â E (L0 N4 S3 V1 D0)
Warnings: Sin's naked.
Notes: I really wanted to try out this hairstyle I picked up. It's the first long hair I've found that's … pretty much made to hang upside down. It's dark, but I was hesitant to re-light, because I really like where the shadows fall, and every attempt to lighten it up blew out the shadows. In the end I turned up the gamma a little.
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Title: Victory Dance
Fandom: N/A
Characters: a goblin and a pixy
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Shirtless goblin warrior.
Notes: I meant to post this yesterday, but yesterday did not go as intended. Again with the things I grabbed in freebie binges and then forgot I had. And yes, the monochrome feel is completely intentional.
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Title: The Next Move Is Yours
Fandom: Magelight
Rating: G (L0 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: None
Notes: Almost got all my stuff back where it goes. Found some things I forgot I had, like Hope Gear for H3… which I converted for M4, because I love that outfit and I never get to use it any more. Jump Gear is nice and all, but it's not the same. Anyway, here's Mocker… waiting.
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Title:Here Comes Your Man
Characters:Durand, Frost
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Frost's got no trousers again. That's a lot of leg, but it's just leg.
Notes: I'd say this is mid-1600s, London slums, but there's not nearly enough overhang on the upper stories. … … Fuck it. I'm saying it anyway. Suspend your disbelief. Durand's gotta still be alive for this to work, so… *grins*
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Title:Â Mad Science
Fandom: Magelight
Characters: Yaz
Rating: G (L0 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: None
Notes: So, I managed to lose my entire content database, last week. Not the content, thank the gods, just the database. So, now I have tens of thousands of pieces of content that I can't find. *laughs* It'll be a little while until I find everything and get it back where it goes. In the mean time, enjoy some things I can find… Yaz trying to bring the joy of electrical goods to a magical world.
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