May 142011

Title: Happy Just to Dance With You
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Yaz, Dark
Rating: G-
Warnings: None
Notes: I'm posting this because I'm tired of looking at it. I've been trying to straighten this damn thing out for three days, and I hate the hand in hair problem. I will care later, after I've done something else for a bit.
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May 112011

Title: Even in the Light of Day
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Frost, Dark
Rating: G-
Warnings: None
Notes: I'm working on November, in which both Dark and Frost have birthdays, so I figured to get the two of them together for the month. I really like the first background better, but at the resolution I need, it turns into a grainy streak of piss, so, that's not really going to work. Last one doesn't make me unhappy but it loses a lot of the ambiance.
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May 062011

Title: I'd Say You Don't Want to Do That – Water
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Icefeather
Rating: G-
Warnings: None
Notes: Potentially the image for July, in next year's calendar, though I'm still debating a version with fire instead of water. Lighting this thing was such a pain in the ass. I left it, finally, with the preview lights, because turning on all the shadows just blacked so much of it out.
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May 052011

Title: Waiting for the Airship
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Frost, Yaz
Rating: G-
Warnings: WIP
Notes: This was mostly an exercise in seeing if I could render something large enough for a calendar, without blowing up my computer in the process. 200ppi, 2200×1700, in the last image — not that it'll show that big, here, since everything I upload gets resized down to 1600x whatever. But, yeah, semi-steampunk setting. Yaz and Frost waiting for the bus an airship.
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May 012011

Title: Spite
Co-conspirator: His Majesty the Queen of Cats
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles (Crossover Crack)
Characters: Ice, Frost, Yaz
Rating: E
Warnings: Buggery, loathing, jealousy, hate-sex
Notes: This was originally a scene-log, and you can kind of tell by the weird paragraph breaks. We tried to smooth it over, some, but… *shrugs* In this particular corner of AU, Ice and Frost own an inn, and Frost has hooked up with Yaz, who is his pet mechanic.
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Apr 202011

Title: In the Gutter With a Promise
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Darkling
Rating: M
Warnings: Test-frame nudity. That's not a skirt, it's a wide belt.
Notes: I dunno, I found this awesome skin, and decided to try it on Dark, and I do like it better than the one I've been using, so then I had to do an actual scene with it. Also, although you can't see it in the final shot, I did remove the tattoo from that skin, because … well, Dark doesn't have any tattoos.
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