Title: Let It Snow!
Fandom: Magelight
Characters: Frostburn
Rating: G-
Warnings: Sort of cracky…
Notes: I have no idea. I'm mostly just in love with those boots, and I needed a good test render… and, uh, yeah… *grins* Frost is having way the shit too much fun. And, man, is he gonna kick my ass when he sees this…
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Title: Temptation
Fandom: Viridian Legacy/Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Frostburn, Arkady
Rating: G-
Warnings: Arkady's wearing a skirt.
Notes: I dunno… I just had this idea, then I wrote 'The Brighter the Glitter', then I had to get off my ass and do this, because it was bothering me that I hadn't. It's not great. The lighting is still pissing me off and Frost's hand isn't right, but I have to go make phone calls, now, so I need to stop pissing around with it.
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[Master Post – Glass]
Title: The Brighter the Glitter
Fandom: Viridian Legacy/Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Severen, Arkady, Baron, Betty, Frostburn
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives in abundance
Notes: Yeah, so I wrote a crossover… Kind of. Just a totally tongue-in-cheek appearance by my favourite ninja-guitarist of the Winter Court. I hope he'll forgive me for borrowing him for this… Special thanks to Darkling for… er… consulting and editing.
Title: Never a Proper Mount
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Ice, Mehmet
Rating: G-
Warnings: None
Notes: I started working on this months ago, but I'm still not entirely happy about it. Lighting a huge black cat is … really difficult. Stopped caring. Tired of looking at it.
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