Title: Character Plate – Tessal'ian
Fandom: Ostia
Characters: Tessal'ian
Rating: G-
Warnings: None
Notes: Again with the character images. This is our ranger, who would like another drink, now. Yeah, I'm lazy with the labelling — we're technically not Ostian Adventures, any more, but it's not like I'm gonna open up a whole other d20 tag.
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Title: Character Plate – Zalia
Fandom: Ostia
Characters: Zalia
Rating: G-
Warnings: Scantily-clad elf chick?
Notes: So, I'm running a Planescape game, on Friday nights, and I realised that … oh, one person in the party had a character portrait on their sheet… So, this is me procrastinating about entering the L10 updates, and making pretty things, instead.
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Title: Alleycats
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Frostburn, Darkling, Icefeather
Rating: G-
Warnings: Implications of future violence
Notes: *shrugs* It just kind of happened. Looks like start of a brilliantly bitchy catfight, though.
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Title: Chrome Cheesecake
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Frostburn
Rating: G-
Warnings:Â I swear that's not a cheerleader outfit
Notes: I dunno. Totally just pissing around with some shaders. Apparently the trick to functional chrome is -not- to use the chrome shader, but to use the silver shader and switch it to metallic glossy — and why in the fuck my metals are all set to plastic glossy is just beyond me… *sighs* Blah blah, reflection mapping is still screwed up & so on & so forth… The point of all this is that I'm trying to figure out the shiny. Clearly, I'm not quite there. This post will get longer as I keep screwing with the settings…
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Title: Frost Variations I
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Frostburn
Rating: G-
Warnings: Boring as hell
Notes: This is just a little screwing around I've been doing with Frost's face and some makeup resources I picked up. Setup was a bitch, and the psd is HUGE, but I can now do … pretty much anything, as soon as I figure out the pixelspacing for lip liner. SO MANY OPTIONS. SO MANY LAYERS. OMG.
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Title: Shocking!
Fandom: Magelight (sort of…)
Characters: Shock
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Notes: So, dearest darling Darkling decided we needed another kitten. A little blue one that shot sparks. *grins* This is what I managed on that idea in … about an hour. No point light, oddly. That's all distants — and preload distants, at that. Didn't do anything to the lights but turn on the shadows. Should do a little post, because the cat bends funny, but I can't be arsed to crack Photoshop right now. I think 3 might actually be better than 4, the difference being shadowmap vs. raytrace.
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Title: The Morning After
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Darkling
Rating: G-
Warnings: Smoking
Notes: This is totally a lazyrender. Came together well enough that I really can't be arsed to piss around with the details, right now. Just Darkling leaning on a wall and smoking. No post.
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Title: Lazy-ass Magelight Icons
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Darkling, Frostburn, Icefeather
Rating: T
Warnings: You can see a lot of skin in one of these
Notes: So, I bitch at myself every time I post to LJ without a proper Magelight icon. Decided I should get off my lazy. For the record, I hate #5, and I'll be redoing it when I can actually use Photoshop without crashing something.
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Title: Never Enough
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Darkling, Frostburn, Icefeather
Rating:Â E
Warnings: Naked gents doing smutty things
Notes: I've been swearing I'd do this for months, and someone finally reminded me, so… Yeah, here it is. I love the distinct impression of shit talking between Ice and Frost. EXTREMELY image heavy post. Just sayin'.
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Title:Â In the Green Wood
Fandom: Magelight
Characters: Frostburn
Rating: G-
Warnings:Â Remarkably suggestive…
Notes: I'm still mad about these boots, and the boots really do get more of the frame in this one. In fact, it came out so well on the first try (which never happens) that I just surrendered my good sense and made a pair of wallpapers 1280×1024 and 1600×900.
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