Oct 162011

Ladles and jellyspoons! Toys and churls! After a great deal of shouting and mishandling expletive phrases, the calendar is at last available! I've been bitching about this all year, and now I offer it to you…

In the world of men, there are some from outside of it, who bring with them magic and untold centuries of history. Imagine meeting them, and being drawn into a world that blends the mundane and the fantastic, sometimes with terribly jagged seams. This attractive calendar is based on The Magelight Chronicles, a steam-fantasy epic set in modern times. Across nineteen colour images, the protagonists are artfully posed around snippets of the story, offering a teasing glimpse into the upcoming book. This calendar includes both UK and US holidays. (And if you'd like a version for your country, give me a shout and I'll make it happen.)

This product is no longer available.

Full preview of all calendar pages and the cover available on the other side of that link.

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