Title: Catchy
Characters: Namiashi Raidou, Shiranui Genma
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives
Notes: For Raidou's 29th birthday, Genma decides to remind Rai what a bastard he can be, at times — but he's a bastard with awesome taste in music.
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Title: Warnings
Characters: Namiashi Raidou, Shiranui Genma
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives, implications
Notes: Genma is too good with his hands for anyone's continued health. Raidou decides he should come with warning labels. As (sort of) requested, half the story about Raidou's feet.
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Title: Respect
Characters: Namiashi Raidou, Shiranui Genma
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives
Notes: Best friends are the people who abuse you when you need it most.
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Title: Waiting
Characters: Namiashi Raidou, Shiranui Genma
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives, implications
Notes: I wrote this off the top of my head for no good reason. It's much later in the Corybantic Dance timeline.
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Title: Corybantic Dance (Chapter 8)
Co-authors: Haya
Characters: Gekkou Hayate, Shiranui Genma
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives.
Notes: There is much drinking of tea and talking about uncomfortable things.
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Title: Cut-Glass Heart
Co-author: Supermadichan
Characters: Gekkou Hayate, Shiranui Genma, Namiashi Raidou, Yamashiro Aoba, Gekkou Shizuka
Rating: T (this chapter)
Warnings: Expletives, flashbacks, hacking up a lung.
Notes: Mizumi is full of violent awesome and absolute win. Yay for hot pepper induced adrenaline-powered stupidity and Hayate's fifteen watt smiles.
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Title: The Politics of Sex
Characters: Hagane Kotetsu, Kamizuki Izumo, Namiashi Raidou
Rating: E
Warnings: Cocksucking, yaoi, expletives, light bondage, blindfold.
Notes: Four days after Molasses, Kotetsu gets jealous.
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Title: Sick and Tired
Characters: Shiranui Genma
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives
Notes:I was having a really crappy day, and got this adorable grumpy-ass Genma out of it. Icons, of course, ensued.
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Title: Her What?
Characters: Shiranui Genma, Mitarashi Anko
Rating: G-
Notes: BFV. This *just* happened.
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Co-authors: Haya
Characters: Gekkou Hayate, Shiranui Genma, Namiashi Raidou, Hagane Kotetsu, Kamizuki Izumo, Mitarashi Anko, Yamashiro Aoba
Rating: This chapter? R.
Warnings: Expletives, groping.
Notes: One of these days, Raidou's going to realise just how lucky he really is to have a friend like Genma, even if he would never in a million years, under any circumstances, sleep with his best friend. As opposed to Kotetsu, who is also very lucky, and would do absolutely anything to get Izumo naked. Or Hayate, who opposes nakedness entirely, and no matter how lucky he gets, will still be looking for the catch.
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