Oct 222020

Title: A Not-So Decorative Goose
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Anton Hawke , Cullen Rutherford , A Horrible Goose
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V1 D0 )
Warnings: Two gentlemen defending themselves against the attack goose. Also giant fake spiders.
Notes: MONTH OF THE HORRIBLE GOOSE JUST WON'T STOP, now with Anton and Cullen thwarted in their party decorating by a horrible goose, for Tina! (Fake spiders. Totally fake spiders.)
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Oct 202020

Title: The Goose of Vases
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Artemis Hawke , A Horrible Goose
Rating: G- N1 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: One mage in a skimpy maid outfit, waving a feather duster at a goose
Notes: MONTH OF THE HORRIBLE GOOSE GOES ON this time with Artemis trying to keep a horrible goose from smashing any more vases, for Anda.
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Oct 132020

Title: Skirt Stealing Goose
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Artemis Hawke , A Horrible Goose
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V1 D0 )
Warnings: A mage in a short skirt, a goose being threatened
Notes: It is a spoopy night in Thedas, and you are a horrible goose. MONTH OF THE HORRIBLE GOOSE BEGINS with Artemis fending off one (1) horrible goose, for Kitta.
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Aug 252020

Title: By Sword and Dagger
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Cullen Rutherford , Anton Hawke
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V2 D0 )
Warnings: A bloodless duel between our scantily-clad couple
Notes: Tina wanted a bedroom duel between the Ass Bandit and his dear Knight Commander, so here's that. Maximum cheese, because it's these two.
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