Title: A Pause for Compliments
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Artemis Hawke ♂
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Side-butt
Notes: Someone's obviously noticed that Artie dressed up for the occasion. That corset is so classic, I have to remember to put him in it more often.
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Title: Cats and Corsets
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Anders ♂
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: A hell of a codpiece
Notes: The one way to wreck a good corset party: having to get a cat out of a tree. Not that Anders really minds.
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Title: A Return to Nature
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Zevran Arainai ♂
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: One scantily-clad elven assassin
Notes: There's always that one client that wants something done a certain way… Even when you're an assassin.
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Title: A Taste of Death
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Noctis ♂
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D1 )
Warnings: Tactical hair draping and boots
Notes: One must never forget, the gentleman was not only a diplomat, but an assassin.
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Title: Already Dead and Still to Come
Fandom: Magelight
Characters: Pearle ♀
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Side-butt, a lot of leg
Notes: Pearle doesn't see the same world the rest of us do. She sees the future, in all its forms, all at once, with focus provided by nearby events. She cannot see the impossible, but so few things really are…
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Title: Beach Party for Elfvis
Fandom: Autumn Grove | Lone Gunmen | Dragon Age
Characters: Ceran Lynch ♂, Richard Langly ♂, Anders ♂, Beckett Kirklund ♂
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Four dudes in varying states of beachwear. There's some speedo in there.
Notes: So this one's for Mail-Order-Superhero, who mentioned that Ceran needed some more blond twinks. I took that as a challenge. :D
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Title: Spicy Pumpkin
Fandom: Autumn Grove
Characters: Will Tucker ♂
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Are those shorts or a wide belt?
Notes: Will's not quite convinced a graveyard in Autumn Grove is a reasonable place to be, but he's been talked into it… He's also been talked into those shorts.
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Title: Shameless Majesty
Fandom: Forgotten Realms
Characters: Gromph Baenre ♂
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Some bare chest, the long skirt equivalent of a small thong
Notes: An angry wizard needs no pants! just ask anders
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Title: Blame the Elves
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Cullen Rutherford ♂
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Those are some very short shorts
Notes: Cullen, for our Badger. Just assume Anton's offscreen, here…
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Title: Nightmare Pending
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Leofric of Elmridge ♂
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Scantily clad lad
Notes: For Earl, a bit of Leofric looking like he might not turn into a demon, this time…
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