Sep 012007
Title: Corybantic Dance (Chapter 7)
Co-authors: Haya
Characters: Gekkou Hayate, Shiranui Genma, Namiashi Raidou, Hagane Kotetsu, Kamizuki Izumo, Mitarashi Anko, Yamashiro Aoba
Rating: This chapter? R.
Warnings: Expletives, groping.
Notes: One of these days, Raidou's going to realise just how lucky he really is to have a friend like Genma, even if he would never in a million years, under any circumstances, sleep with his best friend. As opposed to Kotetsu, who is also very lucky, and would do absolutely anything to get Izumo naked. Or Hayate, who opposes nakedness entirely, and no matter how lucky he gets, will still be looking for the catch.
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Aug 202007
Title: Corybantic Dance (Chapter 6)
Co-author: Haya
Characters: Gekkou Hayate, Shiranui Genma, Namiashi Raidou, Hagane Kotetsu, Kamizuki Izumo, Mitarashi Anko, Yamashiro Aoba
Rating: This chapter? R.
Warnings: Pure crack, implications of violence, expletives
Notes: The entire cast and crew would like it very much if Genma would stop throwing up for a little longer than it takes to chew someone else's ass off.
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Aug 012007

Title: Ars(e) Poetica
Rating: M.
Warnings: Teen angst, flagrant sonnet abuse, gratuitous cow-irker abuse
Notes: These are (almost) all the sonnets I've written since I was seventeen. Some of them are awesome, some of them suck royal powdered donkey ass. You decide. As of this moment — December 2010 — I'm finally looking at maybe getting a book out, next year. These and some illustrations by Franko the Magnificent.
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Apr 292007

Title: Into the Heart of the Whole
Characters: Maerklon El'lome, Ophandir the Impertinent, Padraig O'Malley, Morrigan of Hambolshire, Moghendhim Tathar'an, Bronwyn Greenhands
Rating: M
Warnings: I remember parts of this having been pretty goddamned nasty — dismemberment, burning villages, that sort of thing.
Notes: Six parts of a step into fantasy writing, this long-abandoned work was my first step into the genre. The characters were all based on friends, and in the end, I stole a username from one of my creations… These were all written in 2002.
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Apr 222007

Title: Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
Characters: Shiranui Genma
Rating: M
Warnings: Expletives, a corpse, and a great deal of angst
Notes: The song is "Prelude 12/21" by AFI, and is actually the entire reason behind this fic. I heard it for the first time, Friday night, and it pretty much declared that I would be writing a songfic with it.
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