Jul 012024

Title: The Lords of Chaos
Fandom: Ostian Adventures
Characters: Mihr , Dahak
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: A very short skirt, a scantily-clad barbarian
Notes: Somehow, 3/3 people who voted in the last poll all picked Golgothan Gods, again. So, here's more of these guys.

You met Mihr, the Lady of Love, last month. Her arrows fly true, and few struck with them needed this complication in their lives.

Carrying her off is Dahak, the Lord of Frenzy, god of barbarians, rage, and mass destruction. Once he was a hunter, then a warlord, leading the armies of the plain. Then he went on vacation and got stuck in this shithole plane, and after a good thousand-year sulk, took up convincing the locals to wreak havoc as a form of entertainment.
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Jun 272024

Title: As Strange As You Are
Fandom: Ostian Adventures
Characters: Memeth
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: … Perhaps the oddest warning I've written yet, 'scantily-clad drider'. If you spook at spiders, don't open this one.
Notes: Here is Memeth, the Ever-Changing, the Lady of Resurrections, proud and unyielding, subject only to her own whims. 
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Jun 242024

Title: Love and Havoc for All
Fandom: Ostian Adventures
Characters: Mihr
Rating: G ( L0 N0 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: None
Notes: Mihr, the goddess of love, ends battles with a flurry of her arrows. Which… cause the combatants to fall hopelessly in love with the first thing they see.  Often, that's whoever is on the other end of a sword, but sometimes it's not. And not everyone is looking back at the person looking at them. Mihr grants eternal love! And it's your problem, now.
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Jun 172024

Title: Pure Water
Fandom: Ostian Adventures
Characters: Voeil
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: A lot of bare torso
Notes: Voeil, the Lady of Purity and Truth, has a lot of shit going on for a goddess that was never actually used, in game. For one, she's absolutely not a conventionally-attractive human woman, she's an eldritch horror pretending to be one. Only those who find truth see her as she truly is, and not as she appears. 
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Jun 102024

Title: Justice With an Axe
Fandom: Ostian Adventures
Characters: Dinah
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: The skimpiest armour you ever did see
Notes: We've gotten so used to sword lesbians, recently. Here's a return to the axe lesbians of yesteryear! (yes, I could have used the labrys flag, but I couldn't get it to look right on the narrow banner.) Dinah, a demigoddess of law, justice, and tyranny, who is absolutely of extraplanar origins and she doesn't care if you know it.
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Jun 032024

Title: Bisexual Seating Arrangements
Fandom: Ostian Adventures
Characters: Mairyah
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Bare shoulders and upper chest
Notes: This month is PRIDE and you queers picked Golgothan Gods, so we've got the most unhinged pantheon of demigods, flags flying. First up is Mairyah, the goddess of death, secrets, and magic. She's not actually the goddess of cats, but cats know all the best secrets, so they're often seen together.
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Apr 292024

Title: The Springtime of Love
Fandom: Ostian Adventures
Characters: Mihr
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: A very short skirt
Notes: So, I actually did a Vex image, with Jin Ba, but then I ended up hating it, so now you get to see another deity from the Planescape campaign I used to run. Mihr, the chaotic neutral Golgothan demigoddess of love, who could inflict adoration with one touch of her arrows. And she did, freely and wildly, but especially in times of war. One did not anger Mihr, for fear of ending up in a relationship with a bugbear. Those who prayed to her were a particular kind of crazy, and I had to rewrite the paladin spec to account for her paladins, specifically.
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Sep 252023

Title: Documentation and Blades
Fandom: Ostian Adventures
Characters: Iblis
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Shirtless drow with sharp objects
Notes: The slow realisation that despite everything this is way the hell too well lit…

About a billion years ago, I used to run a Planescape game, for certain values thereof, and we built a plane that was cut off from the rest of the multiverse and had its own … 'gods', who were trapped Outsiders and their offspring. This was Iblis, the Father of Retribution, god of assassins… formerly a file clerk, in his home plane. He's fond of good food, moonless nights, and creatures that pay the proper respect to their betters.
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Jul 242014

Title: Love and Death
Fandom: Ostian Adventures
Characters: Mihr , Mairyah
Rating: Rating: PG (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Low neckline?
Notes: Mairyah's face and I… I could do an entire series of Mairyah making weird faces. I actually might do that. Mihr got changed around a little. Closer to the Mihr in my head than the Mihr I described in canon. She's SO CUTE. OH MY GOD, WHY DID I NOT DO THIS YEARS AGO.
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Jul 222014

Title: Fury and Retribution – Test
Fandom: Ostian Adventures
Characters: Dahak , Iblis
Rating: T" width="32px" /> (L0 N1 S0 V2 D0)
Warnings: A half-naked barbarian demigod, covered in blood, swinging an axe.
Notes: My first OA post in like a billion years. I was considering having a nap and posting when I woke up, but then the sky cracked open like it was struck by the hammer of an angry god, so I got the fuck out of bed and finished what I was doing. The Lord of Frenzy and the Father of Retribution. Neither of whom I was ever arsed to depict, before this. I'm not real thrilled with how light Dahak's skin came out. He's supposed to be a non-metallic gold, and he just looks like a white dude with a tan. Might be the blood throwing off my perception of colour. No post, because I'm a lazy sod, and I don't do post on test shots. If you're only seeing one of them, it's Iblis. Click through for Dahak.
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