Title: Leopard Print
Characters: Shiranui Genma, Gekkou Hayate, Uzuki Yuugao
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives, cross-dressing
Notes: Just a silly little drabble about leopard print.
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Title: Cough cough stab
Characters: Gekkou Hayate, Shiranui Genma
Rating: G-
Warnings: One minor expletive
Notes: Another round of icons:
– GenHaya (+2)
– Genma (+2)
– Hayate (+1)
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Title: Smells Like Summer
Characters: Shiranui Genma, Gekkou Hayate
Rating: E
Warnings: Yaoi, expletives
Notes: I had to stop writing angst, so I figured I'd write porn. Thanks to Nobiki for giving me the kick in the ass I needed to finish this.
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Title: *cough*cough*hack*
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Gekkou Hayate
Rating: G-
Warnings: Character death
Notes: Well, I've been writing an asston of angsty GenHaya fics, so I figured I should get off my ass and make some Hayate icons. There are only five, this time, because I'm really friggin' lazy. Well, that and there's only so much angst one man can take in a day…
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Title: Cough Syrup
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Shiranui Genma, Gekkou Hayate
Rating:Â E
Warnings: Yaoi, expletives, crackfic, coughing, bodily fluids…
Notes: I'd like to blame this on FF.net's stripesim who wrote a similar crackfic involving FMA's Ed and Roy. It was such a brilliant idea that I had to scarper off with it and write one with Genma and Hayate.
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