Title: Merry Maneater
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Morningstar ♂
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Shirtless merman
Notes: I dropped a WIP of just his upper body, in chat, and got back 'shark tail, right?' And, I gotta say, I love that you guys just know. Morny's still Morny, even as a fish.
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Title: The Avernine
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Noctis ♂
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Shirtless merman holding a glass of weird green stuff
Notes: Don't think His Excellency would be any less poisonous underwater. In fact, the whole poisonous side of his family are nymphs from a volcanic lake.
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Title: Being the Flowers of Spring
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Mocker â™…
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: An underbust corset instead of a shirt
Notes: Mocker was never a humanoid, and sometimes they like to make that point… with ooze tentacles.
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Title: The Space Between Moments
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Yorath Albion ♂
Rating: T ( L0 N0 S0 V0 D3 )
Warnings: Bare shoulders and a phat blunt
Notes: Another resurrection from the depths of Magelight, dope-smoking albino gearhead, Yorath 'Yaz' Albion. Depending on the AU, he's between six-and-a-half and seven feet tall, and works at either a bookshop or a record shop. He's a bit of a loner, and is tired of people tying his hair to things, when he's not looking.
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Title: A Hand for Every Path
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Pearle ♀
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Bare hip
Notes: Okay, enough of you have already heard me yell about this that I'm pretty comfortable leaving it open for interpretation to anyone who hasn't.
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Title: It Works for Frost!
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Emoric ♂
Rating: G ( L0 N0 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Bare arms?
Notes: If the cod and flowers aren't enough of a draw, has he shown you his massive hammer?
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Title: Winter Welcomes Spring
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Noctis ♂
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Does long hair count as clothing?
Notes: What? He's a diplomat working for Winter! It's probably his job!
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Title: Bad Moose! No Cookie!
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Emoric ♂
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V1 D0 )
Warnings: Shirtless dude poking a moose with a screwdriver
Notes: Emoric picking a fight with the last of the Irish elk over the integrity of his gears.
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Title: Who Sees the Future Fears No Goose
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Pearle ♀
Rating: T ( L0 N2 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Side-butt
Notes: Much less dangerous when you already know where that goose is going to be…
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Title: Boop the Moose!
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Mocker â™…
Rating: G- ( L0 N1 S0 V0 D0 )
Warnings: Male-presenting nipple? dear tumblr…
Notes: Do not boop the moose, unless you are seven feet tall and made of self-structuring gelatinous ooze, like Mocker.
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