Apr 202011

Title: In the Gutter With a Promise
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Darkling
Rating: M
Warnings: Test-frame nudity. That's not a skirt, it's a wide belt.
Notes: I dunno, I found this awesome skin, and decided to try it on Dark, and I do like it better than the one I've been using, so then I had to do an actual scene with it. Also, although you can't see it in the final shot, I did remove the tattoo from that skin, because … well, Dark doesn't have any tattoos.
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Apr 102011

Title: Make Mincemeat of Your Passion
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Frostburn, Darkling
Rating: E
Warnings: Buggery, automata, restraints
Notes: Dark just doesn't get nearly enough love, so here's a little something. I've got some stiff suspicions Ice set this up, if only because Frost's not quite awesome enough to tie himself into that contraption, and Dark… well, Dark's too damn sweet to do that on his own. Bonus points to anyone who recognises where the title's from.
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Mar 162011

Title: Swallow Redux
Fandom: Magelight
Characters: Darkling, Icefeather
Rating: E
Warnings: Faggotry, cocksucking
Notes: So, I just got a :fav: on something I did a few months back, and I took another look at it. Yeah, it wasn't that good. Lights were all screwed up, because it was an outdoor scene and I'm completely balls at outdoor lighting, when I have to do it by hand. So, I've started re-shooting it with LDP lights, and so far, so good.
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Jan 122011

Title: Lazy-ass Magelight Icons
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Darkling, Frostburn, Icefeather
Rating: T
Warnings: You can see a lot of skin in one of these
Notes: So, I bitch at myself every time I post to LJ without a proper Magelight icon. Decided I should get off my lazy. For the record, I hate #5, and I'll be redoing it when I can actually use Photoshop without crashing something.
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Jan 112011

Title: Never Enough
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Darkling, Frostburn, Icefeather
Rating: E
Warnings: Naked gents doing smutty things
Notes: I've been swearing I'd do this for months, and someone finally reminded me, so… Yeah, here it is. I love the distinct impression of shit talking between Ice and Frost. EXTREMELY image heavy post. Just sayin'.
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Dec 282010

Title: We Three Kings
Fandom: Magelight Chronicles
Characters: Dark, Frost, Ice
Rating: G-
Warnings: Lulzy interpretations of religious themes
Notes: So, I stared and stared at yesterday's post… and then it came to me. The reason I couldn't get Frost's hand where I wanted it? Was because it didn't go there. And then it all came together. This is actually probably going to be my Christmas card for next year, if I don't cut a better one, in the means.
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