Dec 292015

[ Master Post ]
Title: Rhapsody in Ass Major – Chapter 284
Co-Conspirator: TumblrMaverikLoki
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Artemis Hawke ,  Fenris , Cormac Hawke , Isabela , Zevran Arainai
Rating: T (L2 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Dick jokes, dead varterral, broken nose, a conversation that includes Zevran and Isabela
Notes: Turning from the brutal dangers of ancient Elvhenan to the delightful dangers of Antiva.
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Feb 042015

Title: Don't Mind Him. He's… Antivan. (5/5)
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Zevran ♂, Anders ♂, M!Surana (Lucien) ♂
Rating: E (L4 N4 S4 V1 D0)
Warnings: References to past trauma, naked dudes doing naked things, the internet is for porn, dirty mage tricks, electricity play, cats being cats, nauseating romantic goo
Notes: Porn. It's four goddamn thousand words of porn. Zevran/Anders/M!Surana. Anders sandwich, which may be my new favourite kind of sandwich.
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Feb 042015

Title: Don't Mind Him. He's… Antivan. (4/5)
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Zevran ♂, Anders ♂
Rating: E (L4 N4 S4 V1 D0)
Warnings: Fun with scars, references to past trauma, naked dudes doing naked things, the internet is for porn
Notes: FINALLY SOMEONE GETS NAKED! Actually, two someones get naked. And there is a bit of fun with scars, some pointed remarks, and some truly terrible flirtation. I should probably apologise for cutting this short, but there is somewhere this story would like to get, and it's pulling so hard I'm having trouble filling in the spaces between.
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Jan 312015

Title: Don't Mind Him. He's… Antivan. (3/5?)
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Anders ♂, Zevran ♂, M!Surana (Lucien) ♂
Rating: M (L3 N0 S3 V1 D1)
Warnings: Smuttery, bad ideas, terrified!Anders, references to past injuries
Notes: The afternoon comes, but things do not go quite as Anders intended… Fortunately, that's because Zevran has a deliciously wicked plan.
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Jan 312015

Title: Don't Mind Him. He's… Antivan. (2/5?)
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Anders ♂, Zevran ♂, M!Surana (Lucien) ♂
Rating: T (L2 N0 S0 V1 D0)
Warnings: Descriptions of past battles, adorable kitten being adorable, mild angst
Notes: An unexpected interlude on the battlements, in the moonlight.
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Jan 302015

Title: Don't Mind Him. He's… Antivan. (Chapter 1: Nate didn't sign up for this shit…)
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Anders ♂, Nathaniel ♂, Zevran ♂, M!Surana (Lucien) ♂
Rating: T (L2 N0 S1 V1 D0)
Warnings: Smooching, innuendo, and junk-punching
Notes: Mid-Awakening. Zevran drops by, between murderous escapades, to visit his favourite Warden, now Warden-Commander. The Warden-Commander will do anything to keep his charming assassin the hell out of Amaranthine politics, and foists him off on a certain delightfully knavish mage. (Who is really doing his best to keep his ass both out of the fire and firmly attached to himself.)
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