Apr 282015

Title: Rhapsody in Ass Major – Chapter 53
Co-Conspirator: TumblrMaverikLoki
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Cormac Hawke , Artemis Hawke , Anton Hawke , Anders , Fenris
Rating: T (L2 N0 S0 V2 D0)
Warnings: Dick jokes, brotherly love, violence, dead slavers
Notes: Brotherly ribbing, with a side of slavers on the side of the mountain.
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Apr 282015

Title: Rhapsody in Ass Major – Chapter 52
Co-Conspirator: TumblrMaverikLoki
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Cormac Hawke , Fenris , Artemis Hawke
Rating: E (L2 N4 S4 V0 D1)
Warnings: Extreme drunkenness, what the fuck Artemis, the internet is for porn, exciting uses for lyrium ghost, dubious consent liek woah
Notes: Fenris and Cormac just want to make Artemis happy. Artemis is a little too pleased to exercise this power.
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Apr 282015

Title: Rhapsody in Ass Major – Chapter 51
Co-Conspirator: TumblrMaverikLoki
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Cormac Hawke , Fenris , Artemis Hawke
Rating: E (L2 N4 S4 V0 D1)
Warnings: Extreme drunkenness, oh my god Cormac, what the fuck Artemis, the internet is for porn, awkward Hawke on Hawke action
Notes: Artemis opens his mouth and starts the most awkward game of gay chicken in history.
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Apr 282015

Title: Rhapsody in Ass Major – Chapter 50
Co-Conspirator: TumblrMaverikLoki
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Cormac Hawke , Fenris , Artemis Hawke
Rating: E (L2 N4 S4 V0 D1)
Warnings: Extreme drunkenness, oh my god Cormac, the internet is for porn
Notes: Cormac finds himself awkwardly stuck in the room, while Artemis and Fenris get it on. Of course, being Cormac, he's got opinions, and being drunk, he's going to share.
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Apr 282015

Title: Rhapsody in Ass Major – Chapter 49
Co-Conspirator: TumblrMaverikLoki
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Cormac Hawke , Fenris , Artemis Hawke , Aveline , Bethany Hawke
Rating: T (L2 N1 S1 V0 D1)
Warnings: Extreme drunkenness, oh my god Artemis, zero relationship skills but trying
Notes: Fenris gets a look at Artie's new exciting underwear. So does Cormac. Artemis is extremely drunk. (So are Fenris and Cormac, to be fair…)
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Apr 282015

Title: Rhapsody in Ass Major – Chapter 48
Co-Conspirator: TumblrMaverikLoki
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Artemis Hawke , Aveline
Rating: G- (L1 N1 S0 V0 D1)
Warnings: Drunken adventures in shopping for exciting underwear
Notes: Artie asks Aveline for help with his relationship difficulties. She advises strongly in favour of new underwear. Exciting underwear.
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Apr 282015

Title: Rhapsody in Ass Major – Chapter 47
Co-Conspirator: TumblrMaverikLoki
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Anton Hawke , Anders , Aveline , Fenris
Rating: T (L2 N0 S0 V2 D0)
Warnings: Politics, religion, violence, lunatics shit-talking the mental competence of madmen
Notes: The Arishok has a certain fondness for Anton, so when the shit hits the fan, he summons his favourite Hawke to clean it up.
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Apr 272015

Title: Rhapsody in Ass Major – Chapter 45
Co-Conspirator: TumblrMaverikLoki
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Anton Hawke , Artemis Hawke , Cormac Hawke , Anders , Fenris
Rating: T (L2 N0 S0 V2 D0)
Warnings: Angst, ass-kicking, oh my god Cormac, capslock!Justice
Notes: Dissent. Anders does not take being threatened well. There are times Cormac really enjoys killing.
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Apr 142015

Title: Rhapsody in Ass Major – Chapter 43
Co-Conspirator: TumblrMaverikLoki
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Artemis Hawke , Anton Hawke , Cullen , Fenris
Rating: T (L2 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Barf, zero relationship skills, Anton is so full of shit
Notes: Fenris finally gets his foot out of his mouth. Anton covers for his brother.

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Apr 142015

Title: Rhapsody in Ass Major – Chapter 42
Co-Conspirator: TumblrMaverikLoki
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Cormac Hawke , Artemis Hawke , Anton Hawke , Bethany Hawke , Anders , Cullen , Fenris
Rating: E (L4 N4 S4 V0 D1)
Warnings: Drinking, partying, oh my god Artemis, templar buggery
Notes: Artemis is drunk. Very, very drunk. So is Cullen. *coughs*
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