Title: January: Drinking the Devil's Wine
Fandom: Winter
Characters: Murphy ♀, Maitiu ♂
Rating: M (L0 N3 S0 V0 D1)
Warnings: Champagne. Also, some church-style edits to a nude painting. ARTFUL SHADOWS, DAMMIT.
Notes: So, this took me two days, mostly because I fell asleep yesterday, slept like a dead man, and then woke up to some sincerely bizarre dreams. That said, it's the fireplace that nearly killed me, here. All the corners are hand-edited, because the texture didn't line up. Same with the wall. If anything's spectacularly horrible, let me know.
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Title: April: Sulking Over Soup
Fandom: Winter
Characters: Ciaran, Cormac
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Shirtless dude sulking in bed.
Notes: Cormac's had something that disagrees with him, most violently. Probably something he drank, which makes it almost inevitably something his cousins distilled. His malice is not entirely out of place, here. Yes, I'm missing part of a shadow. I'll get that later.
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Title: November: Domhnall's Grave
Fandom: Winter
Characters: Ceallach, Cormac, Clover
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Shirtless dude.
Notes: Oh, you see a month in that title. You know what that means I'm doing, this year… Anyway, I finally finished this bloody bastard thing. Let me know if you spot anything glaringly wrong, before it goes to press, pleeeease? Plants mangled together with some awesome brushes from Obsidian Dawn, and some pattern overlay.
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