Title: Solitude
Fandom: Star Trek (Original Series)
Characters: Spock
Rating: G-
Warnings: None
Notes: For the prompt "wind" over at spock100.
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Jul 132009
Title: Solitude
Fandom: Star Trek (Original Series)
Characters: Spock
Rating: G-
Warnings: None
Notes: For the prompt "wind" over at spock100.
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Title: Both Hands On The Throttle
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Characters: Kirk, Spock
Rating:Â E
Notes: This was done for the st_xi_kinkmeme. As such, the prompt is also below the cut.
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[ Sky – Master Post ]
Title: On the Birth of Singularity
Fandom: Sky-verse
Characters: Ingrid and Jens Nilsson, Singularity, Lóðurr
Rating: G-
Warnings: Norse gods out of nowhere
Notes: Ehh… I had a moment. Sin's got some inexplicable luck and ridiculous amounts of charm. It seemed kinda plastic without divine intervention.
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