Aug 192009

Prologue | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X
Title: Zahvan T'Masu
Co-author: diane_kepler
Fandom: ST TOS
Characters: Starek, Spock, T'Nis
Rating: T
Warnings: Still nothing notable. Flirting and invitations. Innuendo and out the other, but not much.
Notes: Starek finally gets Spock alone, and the conversation turns to water… and æsthetics. Lots of fun with words and hands.
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Aug 192009

Prologue | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X
Title: Zahvan T'Masu
Co-author: diane_kepler
Fandom: ST TOS
Characters: T'Nis, Starek, Spock
Rating: T
Warnings: Starek on æsthetics. Again. Still. Some flirting. Some intoxication.
Notes: Spock arrives. Starek promptly says stupid things and then recovers, by being gloriously confusing. Chocolate is eaten, leading to Vulcan drunkenness.
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Aug 192009

Prologue | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X
Title: Zahvan T'Masu
Co-author: diane_kepler
Fandom: ST TOS
Characters: T'Nis, Starek, Cash, Amber
Rating: T
Warnings: Rambling on the nature of æsthetics.
Notes: Discussions on the nature of language and poetry ensue. In this chapter, Starek's glass mysteriously disappears, due to a failure on the writer's part.
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Aug 192009

Prologue | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X
Title: Zahvan T'Masu
Co-author: diane_kepler
Fandom: ST TOS
Characters: T'Nis, Starek
Rating: T
Warnings: Implications.
Notes: Starek arrives at the house in the desert, meets his dinner companions, meets his bedroom, does not interact with both at the same time.
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Aug 192009

Prologue | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X
Title: Zahvan T'Masu
Co-author: diane_kepler
Fandom: ST TOS
Characters: T'Nis, Starek
Rating: T
Warnings: Ramblings on the nature of beauty, implications of and requests for future acts of a sexual nature
Notes: T'Nis meets with Starek to ask a favour… (This is the fic I've been writing with DK for the last week or so. I should probably apologise for generating eleven posts in less than 24 hours, but I know that Sterling Carter's the only one who's got this place on RSS, so… uh… I owe you blowjobs? Again?)
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