Title: Respect
Characters: Namiashi Raidou, Shiranui Genma
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives
Notes: Best friends are the people who abuse you when you need it most.
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Sep 232007
Title: Respect
Characters: Namiashi Raidou, Shiranui Genma
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives
Notes: Best friends are the people who abuse you when you need it most.
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Title: Waiting
Characters: Namiashi Raidou, Shiranui Genma
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives, implications
Notes: I wrote this off the top of my head for no good reason. It's much later in the Corybantic Dance timeline.
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Title: Corybantic Dance (Chapter 8)
Co-authors: Haya
Characters: Gekkou Hayate, Shiranui Genma
Rating: T
Warnings: Expletives.
Notes: There is much drinking of tea and talking about uncomfortable things.
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