Zahvan T'Masu [A Cup of Water]

  • Zahvan T'Masu

  • T'Nis, daughter of an exiled Vulcan couple, seeks her revenge on the head of the council who exiled her fathers. But, it is Sarek's son who she decides must pay the price. She chooses to lure Spock into a similar scandal to the one that her fathers were entangled in, and to splash photographic evidence across the Federation, and she selects a 'reformed' Romulan starship pirate as her agent in manipulating Spock into position for her ends.

    Unfortunately, the Romulan, Starek, takes a bit too much of a liking to the target, and together he and Spock escape the reach of T'Nis's cameras, leaving her with less than she bought, but not nothing...
    [Co-authored by Diane Kepler]
  • Romance
  • Publication date : 19/08/2009