Jan 112013

Title: In the Fountain (Set Test)
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh
Characters: Yami Bakura, Amelda
Rating: M (L0 N3 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Naked anime characters
Notes: Another set test. Figures are mostly for size comparison and to test the distortion from the water. y!GallerySargantas is looking for something with a harem bath feel, and I'm hoping this fits the bill. If it does, it will appear in some of the actual commission images. This set takes three hours to render, with no figures in it, so work may be a little slow.
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Jan 082013

Title: Harem Boys (Set test)
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh
Characters: Yami Bakura, Amelda
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Shirtless dudes, semi-realistic anime characters
Notes: Working on some stuff for y!GallerySargantas. This one is a test of one of the sets for this next series. The reference image for this was substantially different, in texture, but not so different in form. I'm hoping this'll be close enough. I got stuck working on the hair for the other figure, so I'm building sets until I get a clue.
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Mar 122012

Title: If You Make Me Laugh…
Fandom: FF7, Yu-Gi-Oh
Characters: Cloud, Amelda
Rating: E (L0 N4 S4 V2 D0)
Warnings: Sex
Notes: For y!GallerySargantas. I was almost done with it, but I hadn't done the faces, yet, and this just… kind of happened. I'm perfectly willing to do a more seriously smutty faces version, if requested, but… I couldn't resist.
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Mar 072012

Title: Commission for y!GallerySargantas
Fandom: FF7, Yu-Gi-Oh
Characters: Cloud, Amelda
Rating: E NC-17 (L0 N4 S4 V2 D0)
Warnings: Sex, violence
Notes: This is the master post and the archive of wallpaper-sized images. This will update as I finish the last two images, and get the wallpapers for everything finished and posted. The wallpapers may not be full size, because of image size limits on Picasa. I think they max out at a width of 1600px, as opposed to the 1920px they're supposed to be. I'm not doing anything about that, except sending the full size files to y!GallerySargantas. The rest of you guys can make do with what's here.
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Feb 082012

Title: #9/10: Catfight
Fandom: FF7, Yu-Gi-Oh
Characters: Cloud, Amelda
Rating: T (L0 N1 S0 V2 D0)
Warnings: Face-punching. Literally.
Notes: This scene was so completely unstable that I worked on it for thirteen hours, today, and the program crashed eleven times. It's not perfect, but I really can't put any more work into it. I've made the same changes again and again, and lost them while saving. At one point, the scene file became so damaged by a failed save, I had to start from scratch. I don't know what it is about this scene, as opposed to any of the others, but I suspect it's the complication of the folds in the heavily-draped reflective dynamic cloth on the ground.

For y!GallerySargantas. The request for this one was that they be stripping each other while fighting. I think it comes across… (Three more from this series to go!)
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Feb 052012

Title: Primed for Dancing
Fandom: FF7, Yu-Gi-Oh
Characters: Cloud, Amelda
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Those trousers are a little translucent, but you have to really be looking to notice.Notes: Christ, this took forever. The mirrors are such a piss. I actually couldn't get them right, in the end, which is why some reflect solid black. That's because they're only reflecting what's directly in front of them, which is … another mirror. Most of them catch the dancers or the crowd, though. For y!GallerySargantas. Cloud and Amelda starting their show.
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Feb 012012

Title: You Ready for This?
Fandom: FF7, Yu-Gi-Oh
Characters: Cloud, Amelda
Rating: G- (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Those trousers are a little translucent, but you have to really be looking to notice.
Notes: For y!GallerySargantas. The 'Grey Angel' and the 'Red Devil' appear on stage, ready to start their act. Catfights and piles of clothing to ensue, shortly. (Also, why didn't anyone remind me it's 2012 and not 2011? I'll be replacing the other four images with properly dated ones, shortly.)
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